Chapter 9: -I'm

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It had not been her preferred choice but there she was sleeping in a bed with Lucas on the other side. Since midday when she left Snake Eyes' room for lunch she did not want to speak to or see him. One signed word was all it took from him to shatter her heart. She knew that it would not be the last time.

Somehow she fell asleep amongst the uneasy feelings and a swirl of emotions, but when she did, it wasn't pleasant. Nightmares instantly found her and soon she was shivering and crying out.

Being woken up with somebody pinning her down was not a preferred choice either, and neither was chloroform rag covering the lower half of her face. The loss of breath caused her to inhale the substance and slowly black out.


She heard rustling before she saw anything. It took a lot of energy to lift her heavy eyelids until she was looking at an off-white ceiling and breathing in musty air. She sat up and looked around an equally dingy room.

Snake Eyes was by her side, helping her sit up, and putting the rim of cup to her lips. Hot liquid ran down her throat and she instantly felt energy fly throughout her body. She chugged the remaining contents and threw herself out of bed.

Walking back and forth from wall to wall didn't help her calm down. Neither did Snake Eyes as he just sat and watched.

"What happened?" she questioned.

Lucas Slate was found dead in a sewer.

"You killed him?"

The real Lucas Slate was found dead in a sewer. The fake Lucas Slate was found dead in a hotel room, he's the one I killed.

"What happened?"

The Lucas Slate we met was a Cobra agent. He some how killed Lucas Slate and got here. Any information you two talked about is confidential unless asked by the highest authorities.

"You sound like you're arresting me."

In a way, I am.

"What do you mean?" Fear ran through her veins. Her heart sped up and she felt dizzy.

A selected group of soldiers are investigating your prior affiliations to make sure you were not conspiring with the Cobra agent who was pretending to be Lucas Slate.

After an agonizing moment she asked him, "Snake Eyes, you don't believe that I was in on this, do you?"

I'll let the investigation determine that.

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