Chapter 16: Yuki

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All eyes are on Alyssa as she leads the way to the front door.

It was simple looking house in the middle of suburbia. Quaint and small, with the curb appeal only a soccer mom could pull off.

The woman who greeted them at the door was no soccer mom. None were sure if it's because of the off-putting vibe that resonated from her or if because the woman looked so much like... her. And she would never become a soccer mom, even if she wasn't....

The only difference between this woman in front of them and their own fiery blonde, was the darker, piercing eyes that seemed to show a certain hue of hatred.

"Alyssa," the woman said, eyes softening.

"Barbara, can we come in?" Alyssa asked.

Barbara scanned the group before slowly nodding and moving out of the door way. The group filed in and noticed the knife that Barbara was hiding in her other hand behind the door.

"What are you here for? I'm sure Temper warned you that it would be a security risk," Barbara said.

"You're right, she did," Alyssa said, looking to floor, blinking back tears. "But it was in her will...."

Barbara looked back to Alyssa, fear in her eyes.

"She can't be," Barbara started.

"I'm so sorry," Alyssa rushed. "We're here to take custody-"

"Aunt Alyssa!" a little girl yelled. All the air left the room. The small blonde child, doe-eyed, innocent. But, it could just be Barbara's, they all thought, until she asked, "Where's my mom? And who are they?"

"Yuki," Barbara said, capturing the girl's attention, "remember those evacuation drills we run? When we have to leave quickly?" The girl nodded her head. "I need you to go pack." The girl nodded her head and ran back up the stairs.

"You can come as well. She's going with Jason, perhaps he can provide you shelter-"

"No. Absolutely not," Barbara interrupted. "As skilled as Jason may be, he stands no chance against... him. The only thing he feared was Temper. If she's.... How did she...?"

"Explosion," Alyssa said.

"You're sure it wasn't him?"

"Yes," Alyssa said. "I'm sure we can take it from here if you wish to leave now. We'll be taking Yuki to the airport immediately. I've already contacted Jason, they should be there already."

"I have to start packing," Barbara said, turning and going up the stairs.

Alyssa turned to the Joes, looking at them and gaging their reactions.

"So," Ripcord let on, filling the awkward silence, "Temper has a kid."

"Did you know about this?" Scarlett asked Hawk.

"Yes, I knew when she first signed on," Hawk said. "It was the reason she signed on. We caught wind that Cobra and a person of interest were working together to find Yuki. She joined to help us take Cobra down."

"Did you know about this?" Ripcord asked Snake Eyes. Scarlett elbowed her boyfriend. "Ow."

Snake Eyes shook his head no, leaving the room in some more awkward silence.

Barbara came back down first. "Here's all of her personal information. Birth certificates, medical record, etcetera. Could you do me a favor? If Jason or anyone else asks where Yuki was staying, say nothing. As hard as it is, I've been considered dead to them for far too long to go back now. The courts of Japan thinking I was dead gave me an advantage I'd rather not lose."

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