Fubuki Shirou X Reader: Jasmines and Roses

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You were in a beautiful garden just sitting on the bench. You were making a headband made out of Jasmine.Jasmine were your favorite flower in the whole wide world. ( Sorry, If you don't like Jasmine.) You were almost done with the headband you thought to add a different flower.

You always have Fubuki Shirou on your mind and thought to do his favorite flower to add it on.

Fubuki's favorite flower was roses.You starting putting roses on the headband.You were proud to make this headband with yours and Fubuki's favorite flowers.You were nervous to give it to him for just the sake of it! It's was just that love for him.You made your way back to Raimon with the headband in your strong grip.You finally ran to your room. (You had a room by yourself). You put the headband on your desk in a blue box with a crystal white ribbon attached to it.

{Time skip}

You just went to practice the next morning you were ready to get out the door but hesitated to look at the blue box just sitting on your desk.. Finally you arrived on the field. Fubuki was the last one we were waiting for." Where is Fubuki?" Hiroto questioned everyone. Everyone shrugged I don't know. A Few seconds later you saw Fubuki running out the door. " Sorry guys I had something to do before coming to practice" He said. Everyone had to run laps around the field but Fubuki had to run extra 2 laps for being late. When everyone finished their laps including Fubuki. You guys just stood there just waiting for instructions from the coach. You and Fubuki just stood there trying not to look at each other. But it was hard not looking at his cute face. You just took a quick peek. He was sweating from running 2 extra laps. Then the coach gave you a practice partner to practice with for the the day with combo tactics. Your partner was Fubuki. Inside you were squealing with joy. But on the outside your were worried. " (F/N)-kun, let's practice ok?" he said with a cute smile. You nodded. You were practicing with Fubuki until dark.

{ Time Skip}

You finished practice with a new shoot. You were tired and went to the garden to relax. It was your special garden that no one knew about. So you made sure no one was following you. The only thing you didn't know was that Fubuki was following you very sneaky through the path. Before you headed to the garden you grab the blue box in your room. You headed to your secret garden and sat on the bench. Then a few minutes later Fubuki sat next to you. " Fubuki!" you said.

" Sorry I followed you here" Fubuki said. " It's fine I was gonna show you this place one day" you said. " What's in the box?" Fubuki questioned. It's this as you took the headband out of the box.

"It looks beautiful and look my favorite flowers are on it!" Fubuki says. Without hesitation you put the headband on Fubuki's head. " You look nice" you said giggling. " Is it for me?" Fubuki questioned. " Erm.. Yeah." you said slowly. " Wow, Thanks I love it" Fubuki said. You smiled in joy. "I have something to tell you" Fubuki said. " Is everything alright?" you asked. " I-I Love you!" Fubuki quickly said. He quickly kissed you on the check. " Will you be my girlfriend?" Fubuki said.

" Fubuki, I love you too and of course I will be your girlfriend!"you said happily. You and Fubuki shared a sweet loving kiss. It's was late so you held hands along the way. Loving your new boyfriend Fubuki Shirou.        

MimiMa9 Hope you like it!

LubDaDub ^^ Enjoy!!


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