My Old Inazuma Eleven FanFic

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I was going through some old documents and I found my Fanfic for school that I made.

Here it is but I didnt finsh it. I think its kind bad. * Sweatdrops* So here it is:

It was after Chaos game. Endou, Aphrodi,and Eleena were at the Inazuma General Hospital. Endou and Eleena were helping Aphrodi walk to the bench on the rooftop."Are you sure you don't want to lie down."said Endou Of course not i'm totally fine now"Aphrodi quickly responded."Sorry what we put you for"Eleena said disappointedly. "Me too" said Endou. Aphrodi quickly said "What are you apologizing for its silly, It's my fault not getting past their defense". "It's not your fault Eleena said. "You got through their defense so easily"says Endou. Suddenly Fubuki came and looked at Aphrodi and Smiled. "Amazing really" Fubuki said softly. Then Fubuki look quickly to Eleena and Smiled as well and he decided to hug her."Fubuki?"said Eleena as she was puzzled and blushing at the same time "you are amazing as well"Fubuki said softly He also secretly slip a piece of paper into Eleena's pocket. Then he left. It was silent then Aphrodi broke the silence."Do you understand now?" Aphrodi said "Yeah I think I do nice work Aphrodi"said Endou. " Let's get going Endou" Said Eleena. "Alright" said Endou. Endou exits the roof then "Wait! I need to talk for you for second Eleena" Said Aphrodi.

Eleena was puzzled and walked over to the bench. "So what do you need?" Eleena Asked. " I need to talk about Fubuki" said Aphrodi. " What about him"said Eleena. " I think he likes you"said Aphrodi smoothly. " How do you know that?" said Eleena. "Why do you think he was hugging you for?"said Aphrodi. " I don't know kinda like you both"said Eleena blushing. "Really?" said Aphrodi. As she scoots closer to Eleena. "Yah"said Eleena slowly. Aphrodi hold out her arms out for a hug. Eleena scoots closer to Aphrodi and gave her a hug. "Thank you Aphrodi"said Eleena happily. "Need help getting to your room" said Eleena. " Thank you Eleena" she said smiling. As Eleena help Aphrodi to her room. Aphrodi looks at Eleena as she simile." See you later" said Eleena." Ok let's be on the field together one day"said Aphrodi. Eleena turn around and smiled. Eleena was walking to Raimon. Then Eleena saw Hiroto with Coach Hitomiko. Eleena could see Rika,Rin and the Managers from the other side of the gate. "Hiroto is the captain of Genesis" though Eleena. "I am sorry you had you see that sister"said Hiroto. Everyone was shocked when Hiroto called coach Hitomiko his sister. The Managers, Rin and Rika all saw Endou and Fubuki come along the path. Aki ran to them and said "Endou Hiroto call the coach Hitomiko his sister". Fubuki looks a Eleena pocket. " She still hasn't opened it yet" Fubuki thought. The whole team ran to Coach Hitomiko. They ask so many questions but Coach Hitomiko wouldn't answer. "If you come to Mount Fuji you will find the answer to your question" Said Coach Hitomiko. Ichinose and Domon quickly said They already decided they aren't going. Fubuki and Eleena both said " I will go". "I have to" said Fubuki softly. " For Aphrodi" though Eleena. Everyone look at them. "Are you serious" said Tachimukai. "Yes" said Eleena. "I'm sure" said Fubuki. Coach Hitomiko told the team they have the night to think about. That night Endou was heading his special training spot. Tsunami and Tachimukai were there practicing Tachimukai's New Hissatsu Mugen the hand. " Hey Tsunami and Tachimukai". " Oh hey Endou I hope it's ok we use your special training spot" said Tsunami. "It's ok" said Endou. " So you guys training for Mount Fuji" Said Endou. I was think why Fubuki and Eleena decided to go I should fight strong like them too" said Tachimukai. "That's great Let's start training" Said Endou. Fubuki was outside practicing alone. He took a deep breath and kick the ball towards the goal. He used his Eternal blizzard but it loses it's speed and hits the side of goal. The ball rolled to Gouenji. "Gouenji" Fubuki said. " So practicing before you go to Mount Fuji"said Gouenji. "I want to fight too, Captain said he'd wait for me that is why I have to be perfect"said Fubuki eagerly. " How about practicing with me" said Gouenji. First Fubuki had the ball then Gouenji takes the ball from him. Fubuki runs as fast as he can and steals the ball. Fubuki starts to run ahead then it started to rain. " We can't do much in this weather" Fubuki said. Gouenji says " You're right we should take a break". When Gouenji turned around Fubuki was shivering. "Fubuki?" Gouenji says questionly. Fubuki and Gouenji took shelter under a bridge. " Are you ok?" said Gouenji. That sound...said Fubuki. Gouenji asks Fubuki "what sound". A light of thunder stroke. Fubuki started to scream and continue to shiver. " Fubuki That is not a sound of avalanche get a hold of yourself" says Gouenji. Fubuki shivers and says No! Everyone is going to die. "It's ok no one is going to die" said Gouenji. The thunder stops Fubuki tells about his brother Atsuya who was killed in the avalanche along with his family. Fubuki hates being alone so if he was with Atsuya he will not feel alone. He will also feel stronger and perfect like his father said. He described to Gouenji the avalanche took everyone he loved in the blink of an eye. The only person who still is with him is Eleena. " What about Eleena" said Gouenji. " She always looks sad everytime I look at her ever since the Chaos game" Fubuki explains. " Let's get back to the Inazuma Caravan" said Gouenji. "Oh ok" said Fubuki. The Next Morning Eleena went to the Inazuma General Hospital to see Aphrodi before she left for Aliea Academy. " So you decided to go to Aliea Academy" Aphrodi said. "Yes I have to for the team including you"said Eleena. Aphrodi was surprised then smiled. He hold his arms for a hug. Eleena walks over to his bed and gave him hug. " I have to go please keep your promise that we will meet on the field one day" Eleena said. He looks at her then she said " Promise". " Wait! Here is a box with something that takes me way back" said Aphrodi. She gives Eleena a box. " Don't open it until the game promise me that you would use them" Aphrodi said carefully. Eleena puts in her bag and runs to the Inazuma Caravan, "Sorry I am late" said Eleena. "More late then ever" said Kidou. Eleena smiles and looks at the team. Endou comes run to the Caravan. " You are late" said Kidou. " I know I oversleep" said Endou. " Everyone is here expect Ichinose and Domon" said Kidou. " Come on" a voice came from the front of the Caravan. It was Rika pulling Ichinose. Domon followed them. " Yo" said Domon " Domon, Ichinose, Rika Good Morning!" Endou shouted. "Good Morning" they said all at once. " So, Um I was thinking... We cannot avert our eyes from this." Domon says. " We all want to know what the meaning behind fighting Aliea Academy" Natsumi said. Everyone got on the bus and ready to take off to Aliea Academy. Fubuki decides to sit by Eleena. " So Eleena" Fubuki said nervously. Eleena didn't reply. She didn't help Fubuki with his Atsuya problem. Eleena was thinking about the box. She took the box in her bag. " What's in the box?" Fubuki thought. Aphrodi's voice echoed in Eleena's head. Then they arrived to Aliea Academy it looked like a Gigantic UFO! " We are here Aliea Academy"Coach Hitomiko announced. Suddenly, Coach Hibiki came and said " That Coach Hitomiko is Aliea Academy mastermind". "That's not possible!" said Eleena. " It's true coach" Endou asked. Coach Hitomiko didn't reply. They all got the bus to the entrance. Coach Hitomiko enters a passcode on her phone. They walk to the hallway. All the sudden kicking soccer robots attacked. Everyone took cover expect Eleena. " Eleena take cover" Kidou said. " No let me take care of these robots" said Eleena. She ran towards the robots. " Heaven's time" Eleena shouted. She snap her fingers and robots stop moving, Eleena walks between the robots. She snap her fingers and the robots looked around her. Then a swirl of wind blew them away and they broke. " Wow" Fubuki said quietly. " It's that Aphordi's hisstau?" said Endou. Eleena didn't reply and walk ahead. They quickly walk down the hallway. Then there was a dark room with blue lights. It was called the holovision room. Where a illusion of Coach Hitomiko's father. Kira Seijirou explained about Aliea meteorite and Genesis and other Aliea Academy teams they face aren't aliens. They are human children enchanted by the Aliea meteorite. When the illusion show was over. They went to see Kira Seijirou and explain how Coach Hitomiko was helping him with plan to take over control the government. Then he left. Coach said " She is every sorry all she wants to win". Everyone realized she wanted us to get stronger. " Thank you Coach" Endou said with pride. Endou explains you didn't do it for Aliea Academy you did for Raimon. Everyone said their thank yous and appreciation. Everyone went to the room to get ready for the game. Eleena sat beside Fubuki. Then Fubuki and Eleena stared at the box. Eleena opens the box carefully. Inside the box was Aphrodi's blue and white wristbands. "Aphrodi, Here I go " Eleena said quietly. Everyone was serious and all walk to Coach Hitomiko. " We are ready" Everyone shouted. They walk to field. Gouenji, Eleena and Rika were put on forward. Ichinose, Domon and Kidou were midfielders. Kageyama, Endou , Kogure and Toko. Goalkeeper was Tachimukai. The game has started. Genesis started with ball. Everyone runs up. But hisstau didn't work on them. Back at the Inazuma General Hospital Aphrodi was watching the match. " I am ready for your surprise Eleena" Aphrodi said. Gran got pass defense and ready to shoot. He used Ryuusei Blade and Tachimukai used Mugen the hand. Sadly, It makes it in. " Mugen the hand is ineffective" Tachimukai said sadly. The team started to give up. " What are you doing you are the strongest team on earth you have made it this far I want you to win " Coach Hitomiko said . Everyone thought that the coach made a point. They will continue this match. Gouenji passes the ball to Eleena. Hiroto and Ulvida ran toward her. " Here is surprise, Aphrodi" said Eleena. She snap her fingers and said Heaven's time 2. Hiroto and Ulvida stop moving and she walked pass them. She snaps her fingers again and they could move. Suddenly the swirl of wind blew them away. On the bench One of the manager's notice that Aphrodi's wristbands on Eleena. Fubuki was wondering why he wasn't playing and he was thinking the people who help him. He decided to play. " Coach, Let me play in this match I want to be useful to the team." said Fubuki. Coach Hitomiko looks straight to Fubuki's eyes. " Change Players Fubuki Shirou will replace Rika" Coach Hitomiko announced . Everyone was shocked that Fubuki finally came on the field. Everyone has to pass the ball to Fubuki. Eleena was going for the goal then pass to Fubuki. Fubuki's body was taking over by Atsuya. He used Enteral Blizzard and the Goalkeeper Nero used Procyon net and stop it. Fubuki just stood there and though. While everyone was busy fighting. Kidou passes the ball to Fubuki. Gouenji shouted " Fubuki!". Then ball was out of bound. Gouenji walks to the ball and kicks it his hardest to Fubuki. Eleena ran and block Fubuki. The ball hit her and she fell right in front of Fubuki. " Gouenji?" said Fubuki. " Look what your friends are doing for you don't hear her voices! " Gouenji shouted. Eleena got up and said " Gouenji is right". While the team started to fight. " What voices.." Fubuki wondered. Everyone said " Fubuki" and pass him the ball. A bright circle appeared and Fubuki said " I hear them, their voices coming from the ball,everyone's feeling". He was sitting a dark spot then a light appeared. There was a hand waiting for Fubuki. He slowly reach for hand. The mysterious hand pull him through the light. There he saw all of team standing there smiling. Two Aliea Academy slid to get the ball. He jumped up to avoid them. Fubuki thought What his dad meant by him and his brother being in one body. " I not alone brother" Fubuki thought. He slowly took off a scarf. The scarf magically put on itself on Eleena. He became his true self. " Fubuki" said Endou. Fubuki ran with the ball with Eleena and Gouenji running behind. He easily got pass defense. " This is the answer for being perfect" Fubuki shouted. He use his new hisstau Wolf legend. Nero used Procyon net he was pushing back then the ball went in. The score was Aliea Academy 1- Raimon 1. Everyone was happy they finally got a point. " Thank You Gouenji and Eleena" Fubuki Said. They just smiled. It was the second half. Coach Hitomiko tells Raimon needs to work on defense. Everyone agree and get back on the field. Aliea Academy got the ball. Wheeze got the ball then Toko, Krogue and Tsunami stop him with their defense hisstau perfect tower and stop him. Tsunami pass the ball to Eleena. She ran to the goal and did Aphordi Hisstau. She swifts her hair and grow angel wings. " God Knows 2" Eleena shouted. Nero used Procyon net and he try to stop it but couldn't. The score was Aliea Academy 1- Raimon 2. Aliea Academy got the ball and Ulvida runs pass everyone. Eleena was running behind her. Before you know it Eleena was in front the goal. Ulvida use SuperNova with Wheeze and Hiroto. There was a dark circle behind them. They jumped and they had blue power on their feet and kick the ball. Eleena stood still in front of the goal. The ball hit her head and she try to pull it back. " I'm not letting you get a goal" Eleena shouted. She failed and got push in the with Tachimukai. Endou and Fubuki ran to see if they were ok. " Tachimukai , Eleena" Endou shouted. Endou helps Tachimukai up and Fubuki helps Eleena up. " I'm sorry I couldn't defend the goal" Eleena said weakly. " Eleena can I ask you something?" Fubuki said. " What is it?" Eleena asked. " Can we do a New Hisstau together" said Fubuki. " Sure" Eleena said. Eleena thought that it might not work and they will in this match.

To be continued....  

Yeah I never finished it. I hope it not bad. 

氷結のグングニル|Hyouketsu no Gunguniru | Random Vol.1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant