chapter 2

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I am stuck at home when my brother is at his friends house and I have to clean the house please help me Lord. My dad is helping me a little. But my brother is coming home soon I had to clean the hole down stairs. Now I am going up to my room and clean that and listen to music.

The next morning

I am getting ready the second day of school and I hope that today is better then yesterday. I am going eat breakfast with Jamiya she is so sweet to me and she is a good friend. I can tell her everything with out no one knowing. Her sister is funny to. Her and her sister are the funniest siblings ever. The bell is about to ring and I am sitting right next to Eric today. My heart is beating so fast. I have to do a paper with him and I have to ask questions about him. There questions I want to ask when I first seen him. Thank you Lord for giving me Eric as a partner. Instead of Elisha, or Josh. I hate them both. They are so mean. I started to talk to Eric and one of the questions were what is your favorite sport. He said football. I said I like football and bowling. The second question was what to do like to do in your free time. Eric said I like to get outside as much as I can. I said me too. We have a lot in common. We should hang out more. He said we should. That is when I was about to fade. It's only the second day of school and my heart is pounding. So we finished the paper and started talking and getting to know each other a little bit better. In my head I am saying please like me too.

Next period its a free period. So I just put earbuds in and listened to music. Until Eric came over to hang out some more ever. He gets close to me. My heart beats faster then I can count. I love him talking to me. When I don't see him I think about him all the time. Eric asked what I was listening to. I said Pandora. It chooses random songs and I listen to the ones I like and skip the ones I don't. He asked if he can listen too. For me it was like a dream come true. I said he could. We talked for another period and listen to music and hung out. Then he suddenly sat closer. I was so nervous. He came very close to my face. He leaned in and kissed me. It's was so magical for me. He was my crush and I always wanted to kiss him. He pulled back. He said wow. What I said. Your a great kisser. I blushed so much my face was so red. He asked me out. Of course I said yes. At that is when the bell rang and I was so mad. I was so happy that I kissed Eric. I was scared with what he was planning on doing. But it came out perfect.

The magical date

I found a nice dress. When he came to my house he looked amazing. I was about to fade. I couldn't breath that is how nervous I was. I met his parents and he met mine. My mom liked him but my dad said he doesn't trust him and that is where I was really really nervous. His mom made dinner for us. His parents liked me and they were happy for us and I was so excited to be at dinner with my crush. That is when he asked me to be his girlfriend. I didn't know what to say. I was just so excited to hear that come out of my crush's mouth. I was to excited.

At home again

When I got home I told my parents and mom was so happy for me but my dad gave me that death stare. Then my dad wanted to talk to me. I was so scared. He asked me talk about Eric and he wanted to see what I seen in him. I said he is perfect. To make my dad happy I invited Eric to dinner a couple days later. My dad seen something that he had never seen before. He asked Eric what he like to do in his free time he said I like to hang out with your daughter and play football. My little brother came over and said me too. We are going to be great friends. Eric looked at me and asked is this your little brother. I looked down and said unfortunately yes. He told me to lift my head up. So I did and I looked at his dreamy brown eyes. Do you want to go outside and throw the football. Let's go! My dad and Cody the annoying one came with. Chloe was sitting outside I was standing very close to Eric and she is getting very mad at me. My dad said your dog is getting mad you should go see her. I went over and sat down for a few minutes. Then Eric came over and that is when the dog left me for him. It was like she liked him better then me. I was pretending to be mad at Eric an walked away. He followed me. He asked why are you mad. I looked at him with a death stare. That is when he gave me the cute face. Then I was trying so hard not to smile, but he still got me to smile.

*Thanks guys for reading my book. Most of this stuff didn't happen I wish it did though. But comment what you think so far. If you guys have any names that you would like me to put in here then leave a comment or message me on my account. Also vote on my book if you really like it. Put yes or no if you want pictures in the book.*

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