chapter 8

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Danni guess what happened. What? Eric asked me if I thought about marriage, then we promised we won't leave each other ever because that is how much he loves me and I love him that much too. Aww you too are so cute together. I know we do just shut up please. Ok we will talk about this in the car. No we won't. Yes we will, I want Eric to know this conversation. Really. Yea his name is in this conversation. I know but you want him to know what we are talking about? Yes! Why? You blush everytime you talk about him or everytime you see him. No I don't. Yes you do. Really? Yes. No I don't. O really. Turn around. Eric hey babe. Your face is per red. Shut up Danni. What is going on over here. O nothing. We were just talking about you Eric. Really? Yes. DANNI! What? He needs to know. No he doesn't. Yes I do babe. If it has something to do with me then I need to know. O fine. We were talking about what you and me talked about, then Danni said I blush everytime I see you or even talk to you. Well you kind do and I think it's so cute that you do. REALLY!? Yes now come down babe. I love you. I love you too. Now please come down. Are you tired? Yes a little. That is what I thought. Nevaeh I am going to take her home and get her in bed. Ok we will be in the car. Ok let's go Dianna. Ok Eric I am on my way. Bye Danni, bye Alic. Bye we should do this more often. Yes we should. I will talk to you tomorrow Danni. Kk. You can sleep in the car babe. I am good it's not that long of a drive. Ok you sure? Yes I am, I can wait until we get home. Ok what ever you say. Can I hold your hand. Yes I would like that. Will you too behave up there. You guys behave back there. We are. Ok fine you win this one Bob. Yes we always win. No you won this time. No you win all the time. Eric do they win all the time or is this a one time thing. It's a one time this I promise. I told you. Watch it Dianna. Or what Bob you wouldn't hurt her. I will if I have to. You would have to go through me first. Really. Yes you won't hurt my girl unless you want your butt beat. Eric you can't hurt me even if you tried. No I would kill you Bob if you hurt Dianna got it. Ok I got it, and promise you this you hurt Nevaeh I will kill you. Ok you just really want to fight don't you. No just to warn you. Ok. Ok what just went on with the boys Nevaeh? I don't know. I think they will fight if one of them hurts us. Aww Eric you would hurt someone for me. Yes I would babe. Why? I love you that is why I won't let anyone or thing hurt you. Aww your so sweet. I love you too. I would do the same thing for you. I know you would Dianna. Ya, why are you guys all quiet all the sudden. We were just listening to you guys talk. Really. Yes now my house is right here. Ok bye guys. Bye, I will text you tomorrow. Ya I love the weekend. Yea I will text you Monday too. Yea. Ok well we have to go. Bye. Bye bye. Ok so lets get to your house and get you to bed. Ok do you have to go home tomorrow. I don't know I can see if I can stay again. Yay. I love when you stay the night. Ok well let's get in the house and go to bed. Ok babe can you carry me. Ok get on my back. I love you babe. I love you too. We are in the house. Ok. Here is the couch. Let's set you down carefully. Ok now I am going to tell your dad we are back. Ok be back soon. Ok I will. We are back. Took you long enough. Well we where with some friends. Who? Danni, Alic, nevaeh, and bob. Ok good so you guys weren't alone. Ok I am going to bed. Dianna is already asleep. Good night. Goodnight.

In the morning
Hey dad I  am going to go out for my morning run. What to want to eat today? Bacon and eggs and toast. Ok I will make that when I get back. Is Eric up. No not yet. Ok what time is he going home. I don't know when ever he wants to. So just let him do what ever he wants. Ok if he comes up here tell him I will be right back. If he woke up I will see if he wants to run with me. Ok is Cody going. No he is still a sleep. Dianna. That is Eric, he is up so I will see if he wants to go with me on the run. Eric do you want to go on a run with me. Yes I would love too. Ok make sure you keep up with me. I will. Ok. Let's go. Ok where do you run to. The gas station and back. Ok that sounds like fun. Ya it is every morning. Now I am going to go get Chloe and then we will go run. Ok go a head babe.

* Hey guys how do you like it so far. I know it took me a long time to get this chapter done. I am sorry. But if you want to be in the book leave your name in the comments and I will put you in the book. If you like the book than vote on it. I want to know what you guys think. You can dm me on my account. Thank you❤❤❤*

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