chapter 3

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I had to smile at him because he was being so cute. It was so hard not to smile. I looked at him. He looked at me. We went for a walk around the neighborhood. He told me that he was moving. He showed me where his new house is. His new house is right up the street from me. I looked Eric in the eyes and I was so happy. So I showed him around the neighborhood. Me and him started talking. He said when he moves in we are going to hang out a lot more. I love when he says that. I showed him the park right up the street from my house. I have a special place in the park just for me. I had to show him. So I did. He ask why I was showing him this. I said because I think that this should be mine and yours spot. That is when he looked me in the eyes and kissed me. We stayed there for a few minutes and then went back to my house. When we got back my dad was outside waiting for me and him to get back. He said where did you guys go. We walked around the block and went to the park. What did you guys do. We talked and walked. What did you do dad when we were gone. I sat here and waited for you to get back, so I can make sure I trust this kid with my daughter. It's OK Mr. Troutman I love your daughter and I would never let anything happen to her.
I want permission to kiss your daughter. No I won't let you. Why Mr. Troutman I won't hurt her. I know but I don't want you to kiss my daughter. STOP! You two are giving me a headache. Sorry baby. Sorry Di. Thank you now I can do what ever I want even if I want to kiss Eric. He is my boyfriend and I can if he wants to. Dad you can't run my life anymore. I love you both now please stop fighting. I can make my own decision. Now dad talk to Eric get to know him. I have to go ask mom a question.

Mom can Eric stay here and sleep on the couch if he wants to. Ask your father. Ok. Eric do you want to stay here and spend the night here. Sure I think that it was be fun. Ok I asked my mom she said to ask my dad. Ok before we ask your dad let's call my parents first and see what they say first. Ya that probably would be best.

I will talk to your parents. Ok babe I will stay here with you I am too scared to talk to your dad alone. Ok hang on. Is it OK if Eric stays here for the night. He wants to so bad. Ya thats ok tell Eric that he better stay there if he needs us then he knows my number. I also gave your parents my number too just in case. Ok that's fine. O and I heard that you are going to be moving up here. Yes we are did Eric tell you. Ya and I showed him around the neighborhood and I will show you guys around when you guys move in. That will be great. Ok I will talk to you later. Ok bye Dianna. Bye Miss Judy.

Ok let's go ask my dad. Ok let's go. Daddy can Eric stay here tonight. No. Why because you guys are not sleeping together. We won't be. He will be on one side of the couch and I will be on the other. Ok fine but there better be nothing bad going on. There won't be. Please stop being a over protective. Ok as long he protects you I don't care and if you get hurt when I am not by me it's his fault. I won't be I am not leaving the house I am just going down stairs. Chloe will be with us too. Chloe will protect me and him so please do not worry. Ok fine as long the dog is down there with you. Yay ok I am going up stairs to get blankets and pillows for me and him. Dad be nice when I am gone please. Ok. It's going to get cold tonight so I am grabbing my wolf blanket and my cat pillow. I will get one of Nick's blankets and pillows so he has boy stuff. Ok I have to get Chloe's bed. I am throwing these down the stairs watch out. Ok. Do you need help babe. No I am fine. Dianna. Yes mom. Did you feed the dogs. No I am now. Did you feed the fish too. I did don't worry. They are fine. Ok are you going to show Eric around so if he needs to go somewhere he knows where to go. Ya, babe come up here I will show you around, and tell you where not to go. Ok so here is my brothers room, here is the bathroom and there is my parents room. Don't go in my parents room or my brothers room. Ok. Ok babe. I love you. I love you too. What is this room. Thats my room. It's a mess just to warn you. Ok I am still going in there. Ok what ever. Love you too. Ok I am going down stairs Eric you can come down when you are ready. Ok babe I am right behind you.

This is your side of the couch and this is my side. This is my wolf blacket and my cat pillow. Here you can use my brothers blacket and pillow. He said you can use it for the night. Ok I will have to thank him in the morning. Ya he is at his grandfather's house. He will be back in the morning. Ok I am going to meet your big brother in the morning. Ya I hope he will be nice to you if he doesn't I will hurt him when you leave.

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