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11:45 pm

"Diamond wake up" I heard my mother's voice.

She sounded like she was kind of panicking but didn't want to show it. I sat up fully and looked at her in the eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked about to panic myself.

The look on her face told it all.

"It's Gio" she said awaiting my reaction.

My heart began to speed up. There were a million and one things that could be wrong with him. Any one of those things could be death.

"What happened?" I asked near tears.

She lowered her head as if she didn't want to tell me.

"Mama what is it?"

Right when she was about to speak Jermaine walked in.

"Gio overdosed on some pills. His mother found him. We need to go to the hospital now."

I got up and grabbed a jacket and put my shoes on. I don't know what I would do if I lost the only friend I have. He's been nothing but good to me and that should count for something right?

It took us about fifteen minuets to get to the hospital. When we pulled up I quickly jumped out and ran inside. I went to the nurses station and asked what room Gio was in. The lady looked up at me with much attitude and asked if I was a relative. I had to see him so I lied.

"I'm his fiancé. Now what room is he in?"

She looked me up and down like she just knew something was off.

"Mm nah. You look too young to be anybody's fiancé."

I was growing more and more irritated as time went by. I rolled my eyes and next thing I know something foul and slick was coming out my mouth.

"Bitch I said what I said. Chris Brown said it best; we got that young love now what room is he in?"

The nurse scrunched up her face like she was taken back. If she doesn't stop playing ima beat her ass all the way back to 2006 so she know exactly what I'm talking about.

"First of all little girl you got the wrong bitch. I'm most definitely not the one. Secondly-"

I cut her off and let her know I wasn't the one either. We began to argue and I was real close to knocking her out, but Gio's mom came around the corner and intervened.

"Hey Diamond. Gio's awake and I'm sure he'd like to see you."

She smiled and led me to the room. On the way up I flipped the nurse off and stuck my tongue. In the end I got my way, which I always do.

The closer we got to the room the more nervous I grew. I wasn't sure what to say or how he'd react to seeing me. I feel like all of this is kind of my fault. If I hadn't overreacted earlier and made him feel out of place he might not be in this hospital.

I opened the door and there he laid in the bed looking helpless as hell. I slowly walked over until he finally acknowledged me. He gave me a half smile that let me know he was embarrassed to be in this predicament.

"I'm sorry" I started off. "I shouldn't of acted the way I did earlier."

He shook his head and told me it wasn't my fault, but I still felt like it was. I sat down on the bed beside him and just stared down at him. His eyes were filled with sadness and helplessness.

"Why?" Is all I could get out.

Gio turned his head away and I knew that meant he was crying. My heart dropped to my stomach. I felt so bad for him and wanted to know why he was feeling the way he was.

"I've been dealing with depression and anxiety since I was thirteen years old. It got better when I met Carmen. She helped me cope and see the world differently. When she dumped me for an older college guy I guess things spiraled out of control."

Now that I know his actions were more so due to Carmen breaking his heart I wanted to fight her even more. I was past talking. She needed to square up and throw hands.

I placed my hand on the side of Gio's face and gently rubbed his cheek. His skin was so smooth and soft I could touch him all day. A smirk crept up on his face which made me smirk too?

"Boy whatchu smiling for?"

Without another word said he grabbed me by my face and pulled me down to meet his. Our lips crashed against each other as we both fought for dominance. I eventually gave in and let him win.

"Well shit" I said after I pulled away.

Gio laughed and that was like music to my ears. We sat and talked for almost two hours until we both got sleepy. I curled up in the bed beside him and laid my head on his chest. His mom had gone home for the night and so did mine. Jermaine was out in the waiting room scrounging up snacks. By the time he'll be back we'll both be sleep.


I felt someone lightly shaking my arm.

"Diamond. Diamond. Man if you don't get up" the voice said. That was no one but Jermaine.

I rubbed my eyes and looked up at him. He had that look on his face that any older brother would. I was laughing hysterically on the inside. He can't stop me from dating my whole life.

"Y'all need to get up. They're sending Gio home today. His mom is on her way."

I quietly rolled off the bed and went to the bathroom where there was an extra toothbrush and toothpaste on the sink. I grabbed a towel and washed my face then brushed my teeth. Once I was done I walked back into the room to see Gio awake.

"I gotta pee" he said wobbling to the bathroom.

His butt was hanging out the back of his hospital gown and I couldn't help but look. I heard teeth sucking behind me and immediately burst into laughter.

I turned around to face Jermaine. "What bro?"

He rolled his eyes and waved me off. "Don't get beat. Tryna be fresh. I need to have a talk with him."

I went to sit on the chair that was beside the bed and waited for Gio to finish in the bathroom. After about ten minutes he came back out with a smile on his face.

"Why you so happy?"

I climbed back in bed and told me he was happy to be going home. I was happy too. Hopefully Mama and Jermaine will let me spend the day with him again. I just don't want anything else happening to him. I have to be right by his side as much as possible. I can't lose the only friend I have.

When I'm BROKEN | Deetranada | #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now