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We just paid to get into the club. Shit was jumping for it to be so early. Soon as we stepped foot in the door bitches flocked to us. I told Diamond I would be good, but a few dances wouldn't hurt anybody. Too Short 'Shake that Monkey' came on and all the hoes went crazy. Before I had enough time to respond I had ass being thrown at me left and right. The first girl was somewhat cute, but aint have anything on my baby. Her ass was fat though, which made up for what she was lacking up top.

She was grinding her hips and throwing it back like this was the last time she'd dance. My dick kind of got hard which I felt bad about so I slapped her on the ass and pushed her to the side. I passed her off to my bro and he gladly handled that. I stood off to the side while everyone else was dancing and having a good time. I really wish this was my baby's scene cause we would really fuck shit up.

"Wanna dance?" this cute red head asked.

I shrugged and she bent over, hands on her knees. Shorty was going to work I must admit. I moved in sync with her as she hit every beat. As the song came to an end she stood straight up and turned to face me. She was actually cuter than I thought.

"What's your name?"

I rubbed the back of my neck. I wasn't sure where this conversation was going but I decided to be nice and answer anyway.

"I'm Gio and you are?"

She smiled and showed me a mouth full of braces. Her dimples were deep and she had freckles all over. If I was single she could definitely get it, but I'm not so oh well.

"I'm Chanel."

Another song started up and to my surprise she asked me if I wanted to go sit down. I agreed because I've probably exceeded my number of dances allowed anyway.

We found a booth and sat on opposite sides from each other. The music was so loud we had to slide closer. I didn't want that first but she assured me she was happily in a relationship and didn't want anything to do with me. I laughed and told her I was happily taken as well.

"So what brings you out tonight?"

I explained how I was celebrating graduating high school and turning eighteen. She wish me a happy belated birthday and I thanked her. I asked her why she was here alone and she told me that she just moved here from Toronto, Canada. She wanted to meet new people and hopefully have a good time. The club scene here was a little different than the club scene back in Canada.

We talked so long that we lost track of time. It was going on two in the morning and my boys were all danced out and drunk as hell. I shook my head at how they could barely stand on their own two feet. I want to know what woman they finessed into buying them drinks.

"How are you getting home?" I asked her.

She told me that she drove and only live about six minutes away. We exchanged numbers and I told her to text me when she got home safely. We went out separate ways and I helped everyone in the car. Since they were drunk and my high was wearing off I was the one who drove home. I rolled all the windows down so that the night's breeze would hopefully sober these guys up some.

When we got to my house Diamond was sitting on the porch waiting for me. A small smile crept up on my face. I didn't even bother helping the guys out the car. I went straight to her and wrapped her up in my arms. I picked her up and brought her to me, softly kissing her lips. She kissed me back, but pulled away sooner that she usually does.

"Um babe why is ya boy taking his clothes off?"

I turned around and saw this nigga stripping down to his drawls. I sucked my teeth and rushed over to him and told him to put his shit back on. He wasn't having it so I had to knock him out one good time and drag him in the house. My mom was sitting on the couch watching tv when she realized what was going on. She stood to her feet and rolled her eyes, but helped me anyway. I was so thankful for her.


An hour later and everyone is showered and in the respective places. I was now in my room with the door closed and locked ready to take a shower. I pulled my phone out my pocket and tossed it to Diamond who was half sleep. When it hit her leg she sucked her teeth and mugged me.

"What Gio?" She said body fully under my covers.

I smirked at her and admired how cute she looked when she was sleepy.

"Can you check to see if someone named Chanel texted me?"

She rolled her eyes but used her fingerprint to unlock my phone. She went to my messages and I guess she did because she opened it right up.

"All she said was home."

I told her to text her back and let her know I made it too & it was nice meeting her.


I really didn't understand why Gio had me relaying messages this late at night. All I wanted to do is sleep. I clicked on the box and the keyboard came up.

To: Chanel
Hey, he said he's glad you made it home and that it was nice meeting you!

I shut the screen off only to be woken up thirty seconds later. It was another text messages from Chanel. The hell this girl want now?

From: Chanel
Ok thanks. This must be his girlfriend. Hi 👋🏾, I'm Chanel. Gio told me a lot about you. He said maybe we can be friends? I just moved here 😩

I laughed at the emoji she used at the end of the sentence. That was literally my facial expression when we first moved down here too. I gave Chanel my number and told her to text me tomorrow around noon because I planned on sleeping in. We said our goodbyes and I was ready to finally get some sleep. I placed mine and Gio's phone on do not disturb and closed my eyes.

A few minutes after I had drifted off I heard the bathroom door open and feet shuffling towards me. The bed dipped down and I knew it was Gio. He climbed over me and slid right in the position behind me. I turned over and was now facing him. He kissed my forehead and I snuggled my face into his chest. His heartbeat was like a song to my ears as I drifted off to sleep for real this time.


Here's another update!!!

Again, DO NOT tell me to update. I'll update when I have time/have a good writing rhythm. I shouldn't have to put this after every chapter. It's honestly annoying & I hate feeling rushed. And they usually come right after I just UPDATED 😒 I mean c'mon now lol.

"Update" & "When you gone update?" Are two examples.

It's ok to say "I can't wait for an update" or "Patiently waiting for an update" as those make me smile.

I love comments but comments like those are irritating & frustrating so please stop!

As always please vote & comment.

When I'm BROKEN | Deetranada | #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now