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Christmas Day

I woke up super early like I always do on Christmas morning. I rolled over and saw my sleeping beauty laying next to me. She looked so peaceful sleeping I didn't want to wake her. I slid out of bed and went to the bathroom where I released myself of all the water I drank the night before. Next I washed my face then brushed my teeth. While I was at it I took a shower. When I was done with that I got dressed and went downstairs to fix breakfast.

I wanted my first Christmas with Diamond and her family to be special. Their house is as being fixed. A pipe burst down in their basement and flooded the whole floor. They've been staying with us for about three days now. I love it because I get to spend every second of the day with her.

"Hey bruh what's up" I heard Jermaine say from behind me.

I turned around and gave him a huge smile. He was fully dressed just like me.

"You always wake up this early on Christmas?" He asked me.

I told him I do. I explained how I wanted my first Christmas with his sister to be damn near perfect. He laughed and said "If I ain't know any better I'd say you're in love."

My eyes grew big. I've only been in one other relationship and I thought I was in love. Turns out I was just infatuated with the thought of having someone so I'm not sure I know what love feels like.

"Nah man. Ion even know what love feels like."

He took a seat at the island and told me to listen up.

"Listen lil bruh. The way you look at my sister, even when she's doing simple stuff like watching tv lets me know you care for her deeply. The way you hold her when y'all hug like you don't want to let go shows how much you care. You look at her like she's the greatest thing in the world."

I covered my face because my cheeks were heating up. "I mean she is" I said. I nodded and told him to continue.

"The way you treat her with the utmost respect lets me know you see her as more than just an object, a person who can fulfill your needs."

The more he spoke the more I realized he was right. I may love her, but was I in love with her? Either way I wasn't sure it was the right time to let her know. It could be too soon and I could push her away.

"It's ok bruh. Diamond loves you too. She may not realize it yet, but she does. Y'all cute or whatever" he said walking off.

I finished cooking breakfast in heavy thought. I couldn't get her off my mind or forget what Jermaine said. When I was close to finishing I asked J to wake everyone up. He did as I asked and then helped me set the table.

"Mm something smells good. Did you cook baby boy?"

My mom was putting on a front like I don't cook for her all the time. Hell ever since she taught me how to cook when I was twelve I've been doing it.

"Ma stop playing. You know I can cook."

She laughed and took a seat at the table. Next came Diamond's mom and then her. She took her seat next to me and we all grabbed hands and said our thanks.

"This smells good babe" she said looking over at me.

I thanked her and cut into my pancakes. I was actually extremely hungry. We ate super early yesterday and I haven't eaten ever since.

"So Gio what do you want to do after graduation?" Diamond's mom asked me.

I swallowed my food before talking.

"I'll most likely go to community college for two years, work and save up money then go to a four year college to finish."

She shook her head.

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