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(Y/N)'s pov

It was a calm day, I was playing with my friends in the fields. Then, it came. The huge titan. He broke the wall, allowing the smaller titans to come in. That day was terrifying, my family was eaten right in front of my eyes. I knew I had to run, but I had no clue where to go. Luckily, a soldier found me and took me to the boats.

A few years later here I am, (F/N) (L/N), a soldier fighting against these titans. I happened to make a friend, her name was Mikasa. She was quiet and I was loud, but we somehow just clicked.

We were playing spin the bottle as there were more girls than guys, if you don't kiss the person it lands on, you have to drink. I've drank 4 shots, and decided to just kiss a girl if it lands on her. I'd rather kiss a girl than get drunk the night before we fight some titans.

"Ohhhh (Y/N), you have to kiss Mikasa!" A drunk Sasha said. I didn't want to kiss Mikasa  because it might've been awkward between the two of us, plus I kind of have feelings for her and if I kiss her it might go too far.

I looked over at Mikasa and raised a brow. "Well I'm sorry Mikasa, I'd prefer not to be fighting some titans with a hangover. Don't ma-mph?" My eyes widened as I noticed Mikasa kissing me. I ended up closing my eyes and kissing her back.
Just as I was about to wrap my arms around her, she ran outside. So I chased her.

"Mikasa wait!" She ran into her room and locked it. She told me where she kept an extra key so I used it and unlocked the door. I walked into her room to see her gasping for air, and what seemed to be mentally beating herself up.

"Mikasa. Please answer me, I have something to say." She sighed and looked at me, waiting for me to continue. So I did.

"Mikasa...I like you. As in more than a friend. And when you kissed me while I was talking...I...it just made my day. Now I'm not sure if you're drunk or not, but I hope you remember this part of tonight." I started to walk back out.

"(Y/N), wait. I'm not drunk. I didn't drink a single drop, they were all too drunk they didn't notice me pouring it onto the ground. And. I like you too." I was shocked to hear this. I immediately turned around and ran into her, kissing her and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I love you Mikasa." I smiled kissing her deeply. It converted into a hug after.

"I love you too (Y/N). I thought you were pretty when we first met, I just held in my feelings because I thought I was just a friend to you." I smiled.

"You were never 'just a friend' Mikasa. It's actually the same way for me. I always thought you weren't interested in dating anyone at all so I didn't say anything." This time it was her doing the smiling.

Ever since then we've lived a pretty happy lives...minus the titans.

Wasn't sure what to write so I wrote this to keep the book going \_(.-.)_/

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