Homura Akemi

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In this chapter thingy you're an artistic person \_(-~-)_/ also this is in the "normal" world cause I know nothing about her magic...p.s sorry this took so long, procrastination and exam stress are currently my bestfriends.

Your pov

Beauty. We call things that we're attracted to; beauty. In our partners, photos, music. For me, beauty is one of my friends; Homura Akemi. We met last year in the photography club, I joined because I thought it'd be fun and it honestly wasn't until I started talking to her. Every Wednesday she and I meet at my locker and then head to photography club together. But today she went home early because she was sick.

I sighed as I started walking to Homura's house to see if she's ok. We were assigned to take pictures of things that mean a lot to us. I'm going to ask Homura if I can take a picture of her. Before I knew it, I was at Homura's house.

I knocked on the door. I played with my camera settings as I waited for her to open the door. "Oh, (Y/N)!" She smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

"You don't seem so sick anymore?"

"No I'm fine, I just needed something to eat. I took some medicine and I'm good as new. Come in." I walked in and took of my shoes. "So what did I miss in photography?" I looked up and smiled.

"I was just about to fill you in and then ask you about it." She and I laughed a bit as we headed into her bedroom. I sat down on her bed and then plopped my back against it. "So, were supposed to take a picture of something or someone that means a lot to us. And so I was wondering if I could take a picture of you?" I looked over to her to see a slight blush on her face.

"Yeah sure. Only if you'll let me take a picture of you." I nodded my head.

"Alright cool. Now that we have that settled, let's go to the park so we can get some shots." With that we walked to my house so I could get changed and then to the park. "Hey Homura, go lean on the railing by the pond like you're looking for fish. I got down on one knee and angled to camera to my liking. Once I got the shot I wanted I snapped a picture. I stood up and looked at the picture. "Beautiful."

"Alright how about you go sit under the tree. Put these in to set the mood of the picture." I nodded and grabbed earbuds that Homura gave me. We continued to take pictures until it got late.

Her and I walked up the walkway to her house door. "Thanks for posing for my project." She looked over and pulled her hair behind her ear. God she's cute.

"Yeah no problem (Y/N). I owe you a 'thank you' as well. I had fun today." I smiled at her and whispered 'I love you.' She looked up in confusion. "Hmm?"

"Oh nothing. I'll see you tomorrow." She grabbed my hand and kissed me.

"Bye, (Y/N)." She went into her house leaving me outside staring into the distance in surprise, still shocked about her sudden action. I put my fingers on my lips and whispered once again 'She kissed me..."

I shut my bedroom door and jumped into bed. I felt my cheeks get warm as I thought about what took place outside of Homura's house. That's when I got a text from her.

I don't know why I kissed you earlier...sorry about that \_(~_~)_/

I kind of enjoyed it...
So what does that make us? Friends with benefits? Lol

I mean...I'd rather girlfriends but that works too I guess :/

I'm happy with that label too
In fact I wanted that label for so long


The next day when we met at the front of the school she hugged me and gave me a kiss. I giggled.

"Good morning beautiful. God I've been waiting so long to say that you have no clue, Homura." Her and I laughed and went about our day like usual, but with more kisses.

The end.

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