Blair x shy reader

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(Y/N)'s pov

I nervously made my way to Black Star and Tsubaki. I was assigned to go with them once again. Why was I nervous? Because this is my first actual mission. I've gone places with them, but not on ones where there could be potential danger.

We were assigned to go see what a witch, Blair, is doing. Apparently she's done some bad in the past and is known for the constant bad that's being done. Yet she hasn't been active in a while.

Tsubaki shushed us as we arrived at a strange looking house. We snuck up to a window, which happened to the bathroom. I've never been one to peep, but when I saw her I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She's beautiful. She looked at the window just as I started to duck my head. About fifteen seconds later, I slowly lifted my head too see if she was still looking. To my surprise, she was. Oh no, I messed up the whole mission.

She suddenly winked at me, then using her powers to teleport right beside me. When did she have time to get dressed? She grabbed my wrist and teleported into what I'd assume to be her house. It was a beautiful place.

"So, miss Peeping Tom." Oh no. I done goofed pretty bad. I just responded by lowering my head.
"You have some nerve, watching a pretty witch like me in the bath. Do you wanna explain why you were there?" I shook my head as she was still smiling. She started to draw a line with her finger up my arm, stopping at my collarbone. She bent over and whispered; 'It's ok. You're cute, so I forgive you.'  I opened my eyes in shock. She's giving off a vibe that she wants to kill me or something, and she's complementing me? What in the world is going on?

She then teleported us back out to where Black Star and Tsubaki are. I looked in my hands to see that she'd given me a note.
'You, me, date. I'm taking you for dinner at 7. Be ready ;)' what'd I get myself into? I mean I can't complain, she is pretty. Wait a minute. A very pretty girl. Asked me out. I just need a nice warm bubble bath.

"(Y/N), you still haven't told us what's written on that note Blair gave you. Also, can we come over to your house?" I sighed. Should I tell them?

"W-well. She basically asked me on a date. She didn't really ask actually, more like demanded. I-It's not like I want to go, I just want out of the house." That was a lie. I was going on a date with a really pretty witch.

"Hahaha! Oh god that's funny. The. (Y/N). Wants to get out of the house? All you want to do is stay in the house so you can avoid people. What's really going on here?" Black Star was suspicious. For an idiot, he sure could read me really well.

Tsubaki then decided to be in one of her rare playful moods. "Ohhh does (Y/N) have the hots for the wicked witch~?" I rolled my eyes and walked faster. Thank god we're right around the corner from my house.

"So (Y/N), can we come over?" Black Star repeat himself.

"Well, actually I was hoping to have a bath then have a nap till like 6. I mean you can come over at 6:30 for a half an hour while I get ready for the d-date. I guess." He smiled and nodded.

"Ahh~ this is just what I needed." Some candles lit, soft music playing in the background, and most of all, the hot water surrounding me with bubbles. I got comfortable, closing my eyes. I opened my eyes to see that it was nearly 4. Perfect timing to get out and have a nap.

I woke up to an alarm that I had set to prepare for the date. I smiled as I walked over to my closet, grabbing (outfit of your choice). My favourite outfit for a first date. I just hope it's not too much, or too little. Just as I finished doing my makeup and hair, as if on cue, Black star knocked on my door. He knocks differently than everyone else for some reason, so I knew it was him.

I opened the door. His jaw dropped immediately. "(Y-Y/N). You look beautiful!" I blushed and covered my face.

We did nothing but watch tv until 7. At 7, on the dot, there was a knock on the door. I opened it to be exposed to a beautiful looking witch. She smiled. "Like what you see?" She twisted her body slightly, exposing her...bottom. I could feel the blush rush to my face, I looked to the ground in fear of her seeing.

It was a nice date. It was now dark, Blair and I held hands as she walked me home. When she and I walked up to my door, she and I both smiled. "I had an amazing night, (Y/N)."

"So did I. Thank you so much." Blair seemed to slowly come closer to my face. I could feel her warm breath on my lips, as the cold air had surrounded our bodies.

"Can I kiss you?" She asked as if she were in some kind of day dream. I nodded as she closed the gap between us.

"I'll take you out some other time?" I nodded and entered my house, processing what just happened.

Thanks for reading guys, I hope you enjoyed!

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