Celeste (Huniepop)

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(Y/N)'s PoV:

I sighed as I had an exhausting day. Might as well go to the beach. I opened my bag to get my towel to sit on, only to see a weird object that I have in there. How did this get here? I pulled it out and moved it around so the moonlight would give me more lighting so I can examine it better. "Hey! Where did you get that?!" I looked up to see a beautiful blue looking lady. The way the moonlight lit up her skin made her look so beautiful. "Hello?!" I snapped out of my daze and smiled at her.

"S-sorry. I just got lost in your beauty." I stood up and dusted the sand off of my body with one of my hands, while the other still held the object. "To answer your question, I'm not totally sure where I got it, I'm wondering the same thing."

"Wait. Repeat what you said...human." I gave her a questioning look.

"You mean the part where I confessed that I think you're beautiful? And I have a name by the way...(Y/N)." I said slightly annoyed.

"You think I'm beautiful?" I nodded. I walked towards her and gave her the object that I was holding.

"Would you maybe want to go out on a date with me?" Her blue cheeks started to turn slightly pink. So cute!

"Why not." She said trying to keep her tough act on. Even cuter! "It's not like I have anything else to do on this planet. Also I guess you should probably know my name. I am called Celeste." She said with a laugh. Her laugh is so cute.

"Alright cool, Celeste, are you hungry?" She nodded. "Let's go get something to eat then." I grabbed my car keys and guided Celeste to the vehicle.

"The food was so good! I am starting to enjoy human food more and more!" I smiled and chuckled as I crept my hand into hers while walking back to the car with her.

I drove back to the beach where I had met this beautiful blue woman. She was about to get out before I gently grabbed her wrist. "Wait. Before you go...could I possibly...kiss you?" I looked at her face to see it lightly painted with blush. She thought about it and nodded her head. I leaned over and slowly put my lips on hers. Her lips are so soft...

I pulled away from the kiss and smiled at her. "I don't want to get too carried away. I'll talk to you later?" She once again was too flustered to talk, so she nodded instead of responding verbally. I drove off already planning our next date.

Oh me oh my. I've been busy...school, work and just coming back from vacation. It's great 😒. Anywho. Sorry for not being active and all, but I'm back! Hope you enjoyed! I'm working on more requests.

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