Chapter 33

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Johannesburg, South Africa

Spring 2015

What was it about the dens of black market arms dealers? As Nadine took up her position, her rifle held at the ready in front of her, she couldn't help the thought as it crossed her mind.

She hadn't been in many—one or two at most—and certainly none quite like this, housed as it was in the slowly rusting innards of a colossal ship carcass. There was a certain intimidating quality to the choice of headquarters, at least.

But the atmosphere was the same, right down to the faintly oppressive ambiance to the oily, gritty feel of the air and the pervading scent of gun oil, metal filings and gunpowder.

At its core, Klaue's operation really was no different than any other...perhaps on a slightly larger scale, but that was a detail only.

And really, that was beside the point. They weren't there because Klaue was a black market arms dealer. They were there because they suspected Klaue had managed to get his hands on Vibranium and they were suspecting that the rare metal was high on Ultron's wish list.

Well, that was the theory. And considering that she now had a sightline on Ultron perusing what appeared to be specialized canisters containing what she imagined was Vibranium? Their theory was correct.

"Ready to engage," she heard Rogers murmur through the earpiece, "Romanoff, Ryker, Barton; you all in position?" Peering down the canyon-like belly of the ship to the forward section where she knew Barton and Natasha were headed, Nadine took stock of her surroundings before she responded.

"I'm set," she murmured back, pausing as Natasha and Barton checked in themselves before relaying what she saw through her scope; she was positioned on the highest interior level of the ship that ran along what she suspected had once been several of the ship's main cargo holds. "I have a visual on Ultron, the Twins and possibly Klaue. I don't see anyone else, though. And Ultron's got a big new body," she added warily.

" Well, we know he's got some new robot friends, too," Stark added dryly, "he probably brought a few of them along."

"Then stay sharp," Rogers added, nearly causing Nadine to roll her eyes. That was obvious, she thought. "This could get messy real quick. Klaue and his men are still here too. We don't know what their stake is yet in all this. They could be working with Ultron." Okay, that was a fair point.

She frowned then as she lost sight of Klaue. Apparently the others noticed too.

"Moving to engage," the Captain warned as Ultron's voice began to rise, venting about Stark.

"Ahh, Junior," Stark crooned, choosing that moment to descend to the walkway across the hold from Ultron. Nadine groaned; he really couldn't help himself, could he. "You're gonna break your old man's heart." Ultron turned at the sound of the billionaire's voice, his oddly expressive face darkening. Behind Stark Thor and Rogers took up their positions on either side of him. Nadine shifted, settling her rifle more firmly against her shoulder. She could feel the air changing. It always did right before a fight broke out.

Ultron stepped forward, sizing up the three Avengers before him. "If I have to." Behind him the Twins were shifting themselves, edging up toward Ultron to taking up their own positions just behind their metal ally. It took every ounce of self-control Nadine had not to rush down there and take matters into her own hands.

Those two knew where Nina was. They had to. Nadine was nearly vibrating with fury and urgency, her hands tightening on her rifle until her knuckles whitened and ached with the pressure. She was so close to the answers she craved...

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