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If Taehyung had a pound for everytime someone had claimed to be his friend, and then left him, he'd pretty much be a billionaire by now. Everyone who'd said, "Oh - I'm Taehyung's friend!" had ultimately left him, and it had really made him have trust issues. It's one of the reasons he doesn't have friends as of right now, to be honest. He didn't want anyone to go into his life, and then leave just as fast.

Why did Jimin even decide to stay? For once, he hadn't forced him to stay; like he'd done with some of his other 'friends'. He didn't force them, per se, he just pleaded to them that they stay, and that they don't leave him like the others did.

Of course, it never necessarily worked. But, in Taehyung's eyes, it was worth a shot; albeit it never was, since nobody stayed. If they did, Taehyung would have plenty of friends by his side.

"Taehyungie?" Jimin's soft voice called toward him. Albeit, he wasn't even concentrating. His mind was elsewhere, and he didn't even notice that Jimin was calling him. Jimin frowned; he always responded - had he done something wrong? "Tae.." He whispered, trying his old nickname this time - but nothing. He lightly nudged his arm. "TaeTae.."

Taehyung suddenly snapped out of it and looked immediately at Jimin with no expression on his face, "Hey, Jimin." Was all he replied with, and Jimin didn't even act confused, since he'd have to explain it to Taehyung; and he wasn't in the mood for that shit.

"Hi." He sighed, "how are you?" Jimin queried, yet it seemed as though Taehyung didn't have a direct answer to said question. He just looked and nodded.

"I'm..." Taehyung trailed off, "How...do I feel? Am I okay? How do I know if I'm okay?" Taehyung babbled on, and Jimin just rolled his eyes.

"You're fine," Jimin whispered, "I hope, anyway." He added the last bit ever so quietly so Taehyung wouldn't hear.

"Hm?" He'd picked it up, but he hadn't actually heard what he had said. That's a good starting point.

Sort of.


Taehyung flashed him a smile. "Okay."


As per usual, school was hectic; when was it not? Taehyung got shoved and pushed around everywhere, and someone spilt the contents of his bag onto the floor - and not one person could be bothered to stop and help him. Sure, they saw, but they didn't stop. One person; who most people either called Yebin, or Rena, had seen him and she stopped for a second, but carried on with her day - like the rest of the people who spotted him picking his shit up. She looked as though she was about to help him, and she would have - if not for her girlfriend, Minkyung appearing from nowhere. Another person was Sungjong, but this time, he snickered at him and he waited until he'd got everything back into the bag before emptying it out again.

Sungjong was a bitch. Sadly, he was on the popular kids, so you see him everywhere.

"Taehyung." The teacher called on him whilst he wasn't focusing. He had coughed before turning towards the board. "Why does the one containing the warm water grow better than that with the cold water?"

Taehyung looked around, and most people were looking at him. He knew the answer, but he was just embarrassed since she had called on him all of a sudden. "B-Because it's warmer, and the plants can grow better since that's the one that you'd use for growing things like that. With the cold water, they don't have the same things; therefore, it will not grow. Much like an oven, if you wish to bake something. You can't cook if it's cold, therefore, you heat it up." He explained, and everyone turned away again.

Kyeongha, one of the new kids that had joined, looked at him and said, "Bod." Taehyung just looked at him, since he didn't know what the term meant. Of course, since he's not on their level intelligence-wise, he doesn't really use slang terms. He prefers to use the real words - therefore, he wouldn't understand what 'bod' meant, when really, it's just what they call people who're more intelligent than themselves.

"Pardon?" He called over to them, and the others; Hyeongin, Junghoon, Wooyoung, Junghwan, Ain and Yonghyeon, just laughed at him and made fun of him. They were only new around here, so it's likely they won't even get told off.

"Quiet, that's enough." Their new teacher - Jung Soyeon - yelled at them, but they didn't seem to listen to her, either. "Alright, that's it. I'd like you to leave. I can't teach if you're going to be like this. Kyeongha, talk to me outside, please."

Kyeongha laughed into his palm before the leaving the other 6 boys, as he walked over to the teacher who closed the door behind them.

Taehyung swallowed. He didn't feel safe anymore. Their teacher, Soyeon, was surprisingly nice to him, for once.

"Taehyung, you're such a bod." Chunjin whispered to him, "I mean, really? The fuck's wrong with you. I didn't know that." He said in surprise, albeit Taehyung wasn't surprised. His set were really stupid. He just avoided eye-contact as his eyes wandered to his page.

'I think this option is write, because _______'

Taehyung sighed.

"Y-You've..." He began, pointing a finger at Chunjin's work, "You used the wrong variation of 'right', the correct one is the opposite of left."

Chunjin blinked. "Pardon? I-Is this..are you speaking Chinese? The fuck are you on about, Tae?"


"Wrong word." He said in simple words; ones that they can understand. "It's this right." He said, carefully crossing out his word and replacing it with the correct one with a slight smile on his face.

"Ah, okay." He said, "Thanks, I guess."

Jimin watched from behind and sighed in content.

Maybe this is Taehyung gaining new friends.

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