Seto's Casual Clothes

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Kisara had no other words to describe this day besides it being generally lazy. She didn't know how or why. Her own house was devoid of people at the moment. Her mother and her father were off at a couple's retreat with her dad's coworkers. She never got along with her older sister that well, so that left the other girl wandering off somewhere leaving Kisara alone at home. She was responsible enough to tend to household chores when everybody else was gone, but today, she had woken up bored out of her mind after attempting to read an informative book. Entertaining herself with television didn't work either, and neither did social networking. What was so entertaining about scrolling through one's news feed?

With no other choice in the matter, she had ended up picking up her phone, pressing a very familiar number on speed-dial, and getting a snarky confirmation afterwards. She never wanted to be trouble on the Kaiba brothers or anyone for that matter, but she did ask if it was okay to drop in for awhile, and the elder Kaiba had given her the green light.

So here she was, sprawled across the bed of a frequently used room, thumbing through the pages of a leather-bound book, with headphones placed over her ears. Ryan Star filled her senses as Kisara lifted a slice of pizza to her lips, delicately nibbling at the stringy cheese while savoring the taste. Seto had left her alone an hour ago to complete his thorough analysis on the latest financial report submitted. He promised he'd hang out with her afterwards, but until then, he told her to feel at home—which meant a lot because the Seto Kaiba was saying it.

She wasn't even sure how long it had been since Seto had left her momentarily alone. She was too comfortable in her own little world of looking up information on historical architecture. That and she was enjoying her pizza immensely—care of Mr. Hotshot CEO.


She yelped out as something considerably heavy landed across her back, pinning her down to the soft mattress. Opening her eyes that had squeezed shut out of surprise, she hastily yanked the headphones off of her ears—cutting off Ryan Star's high notes on We Might Fall—and looked back over her shoulder to glare at whoever had the nerve to disrupt her peace.

It was only Seto who was grinning like the Cheshire cat as he caught her staring daggers at him. The only word she could think of to describe his situation was 'awkward.' It had to be for a sixteen-year old who stood at a height of 6'1. For some reason, he reminded her of a gangly kitten unable to place himself in a comfy position. The king-sized bed was wide enough to occupy his entire height horizontally, but she felt like it only added to his unusual position. Still, he was heavy, and she could feel her lower back being crushed by his abdomen.

"Get off, Seto. You're heavy." She admonished, squirming slightly underneath him to make a point. Her legs thrashed around in the bed before keeping still.

"Are you calling me fat?" He cocked an eyebrow as he feigned an insulted tone.

She rolled her eyes. "Geez. You're at least six feet tall and you're a guy. Of course you're heavy. I'm blaming you if my backbones are crushed."

The brunette chuckled as he complied to her wish and graciously got off of her, but not before wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her along with him as he sat back on the bed and leaned his back against the cerulean headboard. Her startled squeal died down as he arranged her carefully so she was sitting between his legs—both bent at the knee while he kept one arm behind his head.

Shaking her head, Kisara reached across the mattress and picked up the book she had been reading before her boyfriend had unceremoniously interrupted her. Picking up where she had left off, her eyes scanned over every single word on the smooth page before she found herself distracted again when she felt somebody's nose in her hair, nuzzling the back of her neck.

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