The Dragon Princess [part 1]

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A/N: Honestly, this mini-series inside this fic isn't going to be told in chronological order. I was kind of just writing it on a whim, and on a Game of Thrones high, so it was just bursts of inspiration at a time. And honestly, I was confused with the timeline too. :P

Earth and sky met in a breathtaking display. Few could boast of the heights they could climb. Sure footed people of the mountain clans were one of such. The rest of the people in the valley below, living in the city that housed their livelihood, climbing mountains and venturing to the edges of cliffs were far from their minds. Even the nobility could not be persuaded to do as he did now.

A pair of burning cobalt hues gazed at the expanse set before him. All sky and clouds and tops of mountains capped in dirty white. The plains were far below, minuscule from the vantage point this mountain had given him. Well into the distance, he could make out the hills that dotted the country side, and the long winding road that led to his home in the north. It snaked through evergreen forests and deciduous woods, wide and narrow paths alike.

It was an awe-inspiring view. He found it breathtaking just as much as most people would find it fear-inducing. But not him... Heights would never bother him.

"It's a beautiful sight, isn't it?"

She stood there, a vision in white and opal, dressed in finery that permitted her as much freedom to roam the outdoors as she needed. Even in white riding clothes underneath her hooded cloak, she was still a princess through and through... He would never see her as any less.

But where she noted the scenery before them, he couldn't help but notice something else.

"You're standing at the very edge." His tone was laced with warning, but tinged with nonchalance. He knew she wasn't afraid. She reveled in the altitude too.

"The drop isn't as daunting as it should be." She murmured quietly, turning to him as she greeted his warning with a stark smile.

The answer brought a smirk to his face as the wind howled and ripped at his cloak and tousled his dark brown hair. "You do not fear the fall?"

"Why fall when I know I can fly?"

The smile that lit up her face made his chest tighten pleasurably. She was heartbreaking, absolutely devastating. There was no life after her. No one could come after his Dragon Princess.

An answering roar filled the air—distant but audible, as if the creature had heard her mistress's bold declaration. The faint outline of Lyanna's massive body made itself known twenty feet away. Silvery white wings flashed in the sunlight as the dragon soared mightily above the low-hanging clouds. Lucis and Rhaenys were closer, only ten feet away as they preyed on animals in the mountaintops.

Kisara's dragons... All born and bred within the walls of the king's palace. They hunted in the daylight, and often returned to the open pit of the dungeons located in a separate hill from the royal landing.

His lover was the master of three fearsome dragons... He knew he ought to keep that in mind. Meek and submissive she might appear to be, but he knew the fire flowing hotly in her veins, knew her ferocity that contrasted with her gentle nature.

Affectionate where he was reclusive; burning fury where he was lethally cunning if they were both provoked. Shared qualities, and contrasting ones. Both an opposite and a charming complement. She was meant for him...just as he was meant for her.

It was without fear or anxiety as he watched her step calmly off the edge of the cliff. He didn't stop her either. And he was right to do so as she appeared not a second later riding happily upon the back of the fourth dragon, her laughter echoing joyously across the mountain tops as his own white dragon—his precious Darius—flew past the cliff he and Kisara had occupied.

She'll never fall. She will always fly. White wings will catch her every single time...

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