Love's Melody

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A/N: Basically another song fic. And for some reason, this type of plot popped up in my deranged head. xD I'm Only Me when I'm with You by Taylor Swift. I own nothing.

Dating a girl who was deliberately a member of a popular band was more hectic than he had ever imagined before. As if their time together wasn't scarce enough. They were always occupied with their own careers. Kaiba's own CEO summits and business trips took up most of his time and ensured that he would be living overseas, away from home, for indefinite amounts, and Kisara was normally swamped with band practice, performing live and recording their own songs, or going on tours—that took her around the world.

But dating and loving her had never been one of the decisions he regretted. And whenever they had time to be together, they made the most of it. They only knew all too well how it felt being apart for long periods of time, contenting each other with countless conversations held over electronic media. It was hardly satisfying, but on the plus side, these long weeks of separation made for frequent steamy encounters.

Seto smirked as he watched Kisara approach him. He had been composing emails to send off to department heads for a while now, and he just knew she was coming over to tell him what a joykiller he's been all night. Her band was on tour, and he was around because of a business trip, so why not take his free time to see her and watch her perform? He even bothered to take her advice and wear—at least—casual clothes for the night. He compromised with distressed denim jeans, black leather boots, and a black bomber jacket. It made for being inconspicuous among the crowd of raucous people too.

"Still busy with Kaiba Corp?" She teased, easing herself casually onto his lap just as he made room for her. It was second nature now.

"Business never rests." He shot back immediately, sending his latest email before turning his attention to her.

"But people like you need to." She shrugged cutely, playing with the luscious locks of his chocolate brown hair. He didn't answer. "Our show starts in ten."

"Then shouldn't you be preparing your equipment?" He asked, closing the lid of his laptop as Kisara continued to snuggle against him.

"The guys allowed some leeway, so I could come see you." She smiled at the slight frown on his face. "And get your hide moving to your private VIP box." She rolled her eyes after she had swatted his chest playfully.

Kaiba frowned at the mention of her bandmates. It really didn't help that Kisara was the only girl in a band composed of four other men whose band name was as pretentious as it could get. Catacombs? Really?And when he and Kisara had first started dating, his jealousy issues had cropped up often. It didn't help that he was possessive of her, and bands like hers had the general reputation for being players. Need he mention that her band mates thought of him as a boring nerd who talked about nothing more than Duel Monsters, business, and computer programming? Kaiba didn't care what they thought of him. Why should he? The only opinion that really mattered was Kisara's. And Mokuba's.

"I can't exactly move when you're on top of me like this." He chuckled, licking at the skin of her neck delicately as he inhaled her sweet vanilla scent, his fingers busy with stroking her bare arms.

Thoroughly distracted with his ministrations, she tenderly cupped his face and brought his lips to hers as they shared a fervent kiss. Kaiba sincerely resisted the urge to pull her closer until she was straddling his lap so he could have his way with her. Every performance mattered to her, and he knew she was counting on this one to be just the break that they needed. So he had to stop her now before things got out of hand.

"You have a bass to slap." He murmured as their lips parted.

Kisara giggled at the odd reference to her musical instrument. "That was a bad joke, Seto."

A Bunch of BluesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora