A Relationship's Struggles

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A/N: It's experimentation time! xD. I'm not that really good at it, but I wanted to try my hand out at writing on a first person narrative. And this particular one-shot is born, once again, from a bizarre imagination. It's AU. Just typical high school life bullshit where I inject a bunch of OCs just because.

BUT it's Blueshipping all the same, so... there's that. xD Happy reading! And thank you for all the comments you've left. I am truly grateful. :3

Also, if you have ideas in mind, feel free to comment them in. Who knows? It just might get creative juices flowing. Til next time. :3

"Your mother called. Told me you had to stay at my place for a bit." He frowned. "Don't you have keys to your own house?"

A conversation with my friends has just been interrupted as he showed up in the middle of nowhere. One second, I was piling books on my locker, and the next, he was standing right next to me with an annoyed frown on his brows and his phone clasped in one hand.

"I had one. My cousin borrowed it and lost it. Now I have to reduplicate it." I shrugged, taking note of the scowl he possessed. From the looks of his face, I could tell he wasn't in a good mood. Well, neither was I.

"Figures." He grumbled, pocketing the device in his hand.

My friends are looking at me; their expressions varying from confused to annoyed to nonchalant. I knew what they were thinking. They probably always wondered why I was even dating a stuck-up jerk who obviously couldn't care about anyone else. I wondered about it on some days too, to be honest.

"If you're busy tonight, I could always find someplace else to stay. I'm sorry about my mom hopping and leaving and calling you on short notice. She probably doesn't have anyone on call." I apologized, gripping the handle of my locker tighter.

His face changed, and it was one of the moments when I wished I could read what was going through his mind. He shook his head. "It's fine. Mokuba would be happy to have you around."

I didn't get a chance to answer or tell him what I thought because he was already leaving. And experience has taught me that he would ignore whatever thing I would try to call out after him. He was just like that.

"Whatever." I muttered, closing my locker quietly.

"Kisara, you can stay with me tonight. You don't have to put up with him." Jemm commented with a frown slinging her shoulder bag over one shoulder.

"Yeah, we can have, like, a girl's night out. It's a Friday anyway." Cordelia patted my shoulder gently trying to reassure me.

"Something probably went wrong and he's just pissed." I smirked. "You know how he is."

Though I can't help but wonder what's gotten into him. I knew he was never outwardly affectionate in public, and I was okay with that, but he never treated me so indifferently before. Something was wrong—even more so than usual.

"I know we've asked you this like a million times, but why do you put up with him?" Michelle asked, frowning as we began the walk to the mess hall.

I could only smile. Why do I put up with a guy like Seto? He always fascinated me. Well, he's attractive, but that's beside the point. He fascinates me because I know there is more to his personality than meets the eye. He's a...really deep guy—for a lack of a better word. He might seem cold and indifferent to other people, but I've seen how he is with his family—how gentle and caring. He cherishes the things he loves. And I know that's only a part of his true personality. So when he's having a bad day or he's in a terrible mood, I know that he doesn't mean any scathing words he might say. While he may seem level-headed and in control most of the time, he's also quite volatile, and dynamic. That's what made him a puzzle piece. As to why I care about him? I know he cares about me.

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