The Dragon Princess [part 4]

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"The realm hires stable boys and stewards for a specific reason, my lord."

Seto's sneer towards her playful comment did not come by unnoticed. Snickering with mirth at his response, the princess gingerly perched herself on a stool next to the scratchy bales of hay stacked neatly in a manger. She cocked her head and watched as the lordling took great care of his own mount, brushing the mare's glistening chestnut coat diligently while she fed on a mushy crate of oats placed in front of her.

Kisara regarded the horse curiously, eyeing the speck of white on its forehead—stark against its coat of shiny chestnut brown."What's her name?"

"Tempest." Was the simple reply as Seto put aside the brush and traded it for the bridles and the saddle.

"You choose fierce names for your animals." Kisara muttered. She'd met two of his pets so far—his precious dragon and his prized mare. "Darius and Tempest. One is a famed warrior, the other is known for a wild storm in the making. Who else?" She prodded.

Kaiba smirked at her line of questioning, shaking his head as he answered all the same. "I own a hunting falcon I call Slayer."

"And your sword?" She cocked an eyebrow.

He glanced at the blade tucked safely in its scabbard hanging from the belt around his hips. "Harbinger."

"That breaks the trend." She grinned.

Tempest reared and whinnied softly, spooked for some reason, but Seto had quieted the mare down with gentle words and a tender caress on her nose. The boy had charm and utilized persuasion, and Kisara admired him for it.

"Not exactly." Seto replied. "An unspoken herald." He grinned at her maliciously. "My Valyrian steel is the harbinger of death."

Kisara snorted. "Of course it is. You're going to ride?" She asked innocently.

"For a bit." He shrugged nonchalantly, waiting for Tempest to finish her oats. The mare would need all the sustenance she could get. He planned to ride her long and hard today.

"The stewards are saddling Phantom. Might be I'll join you." She gave him that irresistible sweet smile again—one she seemed to frequently use nowadays whenever she was around him.

"Don't you always?" He retorted.

Kisara stuck her tongue out at him again in childish glee.

"One more, and I'll have that insolent tongue taught a lesson."

The aphrodisial undertone in his slightly gruff voice had pleasant shivers fingering down her spine. His eyes gleamed with challenge, one she was only to eager to meet. The titillating banter ever present between them only grew more frequent the more she familiarized herself with him. Deciding to hack a portion off the tension from the atmosphere, she boldly stepped towards him, stood on her toes, and teasingly brushed the tip of her tongue against his lips.

The stable doors were closed with naught but a shaft of sunlight filtering through the open window, and anyone could walk in on them like this anytime, but that didn't stop him from seizing her and claiming her lips once more just as he had done yesterday on that cliff. Hunger and blazing fire melded together as their bodies pressed close in the confines of the stable. Lips parted for a breath of precious air just as Seto's own mouth traveled lower, tasting and caressing the skin along her jaw and neck with his lips. Kisara released a shuddering breath full of pent up pressure and tension, just as she gasped and moaned softly at his ministrations.

They wanted each other. That was plain to see.

Seto forced himself to pull away from her, breathing laboriously as he struggled to compose himself. "Not here."

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