Pillow Talk

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A/N: That video up there communicates everything I put into this slightly rushed one-shot. But it is what it is nonetheless. Also, a head's-up.

WARNING: If you're under 18, you might want to think twice before clicking on it. It's kind of a little sensitive.  It's for adults. You have been warned.

A buzzing noise broke the comfortable silence in the room, rousing the two occupants of the bed who were too busy sleeping to notice the interruption at first. One of them had to though because it was just too loud to ignore. A pale hand reached out lazily from beneath the covers, clumsily feeling for the culprit of the noise on the nightstand. The device quieted down a bit as slender fingers curled around it and a silver head popped out from beneath the comfortable blankets.

Kisara squinted at the gloom pervading the comfy atmosphere of the bedroom. Who the hell would be calling her at this hour? It was way too early. Pressing the answer icon without checking the caller ID, she held the phone to her ear and waited for the other person on the line to say something—just so she could have an excuse to snuggle back into the warmth of the bed sheets when no one answered in five seconds. Unfortunately, fate wasn't kind to her this morning.


Kisara groaned, distressed so early in the morning. She loved her roommate and best friend. She really did. But Vivian had this terrible habit of calling her first thing in the morning in the most uncomfortable of situations. She sounded way too happy too, and her chipper disposition would usually be contagious, but not to her at this time of the day.

She sighed heavily, feeling the other presence in the room stir next to her, rustling the bed sheets."You have the worst timing ever. I hope you know that." She snarked, rubbing one eye gingerly as she stared up at the light fixture attached to the ceiling.

Her friend giggled. "What is it this time? Ooh, let me guess, you just had se—"

"Vivian!" Kisara squealed in indignation and surprise both at Vivian's interrupted statement, and the feel of strong arms coiling unexpectedly around her waist, pulling her closer to a warm body. She was definitely awake now.

The other girl shrieked with laughter. "I can't believe you, you naughty girl. No wonder you're so annoyed." Vivian chirped. "Did I interrupt round two?"

The blush that rushed to Kisara's pale cheeks brought unimaginable heat to her entire face. "I—" She shivered pleasantly at the potent fingers suggestively stroking her lower abdomen. Biting her lip, she batted at her boyfriend's eager hands. "There was nothing of the sort." She protested into the phone.

"I digress." A raspy morning voice mumbled hotly into her ear before she felt soft lips latch onto the sensitive flesh of her neck.

She bit her lip harder, trying to suppress a moan. It was bad enough that her boyfriend could hear Vivian's words over the speaker, now he was intent on distracting her for fun too. How long had he been awake?

"Riiiighht." Vivian snickered, and Kisara could picture her rolling her eyes.

"Why'd you call?" Kisara snapped slightly, eager to divert the subject before things really got out of hand.

"I'm coming over for breakfast, Kissy. I haven't done my grocery shopping yet."

Kisara rolled her eyes, trying to shift herself away from the mouth that started its journey from her neck to her shoulder. The other hand traveled lower from her hip down to her thigh where mischievous fingers were tracing a very obvious flight path.

"It's too early, Viv— Ohhh—" Kisara slapped a hand over her mouth, realizing the mistake too late. Damn him and his talented mouth! She turned her head only to meet a devious blue gaze drilling into her eyes. He smirked at her before he wrapped his lips around her earlobe, tugging, nipping, and sucking on it tentatively.

"Oh my— What the—? Please don't tell me what I think you're doing right now?" Vivian's tone went from downright excited to slightly mortified. "I was joking about you doing the dirty earlier on. I didn't think you were actually doing it!"

One of his hands traveled to the juncture between her legs, but she reached out and gripped his wrist, preventing him from doing anything suggestive. He was torturing her—in the best way possible. Kisara didn't think she would be able to keep her cool if she embarrassed herself further into this phone call. The imp lying beside her chuckled with amusement, dropping a tender kiss on her shoulder before he let his tongue slip out and play with her skin.

"Behave." She hissed quietly to the brunette. "I'm not doing anything." She insisted into the phone, gripping his wrist tighter as he teased her by trying to break out of her feeble hold.

"Sure you aren't. Somebody's definitely doing you though." Vivian cackled. "I'll play nice today, and I'll come over for brunch because I love you, and I know you're eager to bone someone right now."

"Viv, please." Kisara pleaded, trying her best to ignore someone's tongue sensually trailing over the back of her ear, and his free hand that was busy doing things that she wouldn't dare mention.

"Details later." Vivian demanded sternly before hanging up unceremoniously.

"Well she caved in fast." He snickered.

"That wouldn't have happened if you behaved." She shook her head, placing her phone back on the nightstand. "Did I wake you?" She asked, turning her body to face him.


And then his lips were on hers. His tongue danced in her mouth, eliciting heat and a strong high as the feeling of his kiss seared through her veins, causing every nerve in her body to jump into alert. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she opened her mouth wider for him, giving him as much access as he wanted. She stroked the soft brown strands of his downy hair, delighting in the feel of them beneath her fingertips just as his hands were busy tracing across her body. One thing led to another and before they both knew it, they were once again thrust into a familiar situation—one that was reminiscent of last night. Lying in bed staring at nothing in particular as a thin layer of sweat materialized out of their pores. This time though, falling back to sleep wasn't an option.

But even then, Kisara's lips curled into a small smile as she lovingly traced small circles across her CEO's smooth chest,  snuggling closer to him as Seto readily welcomed her in his arms. He could still vaguely recall the years he had spent waking up alone and getting up for work with nothing on his mind but the stress and the workload that he would have to endure for the day ahead. How he always thought that staying in bed was a waste of precious time.

Staring at his perfect angel now, he knew that staying in bed with her would never be a waste, because spending every moment with her was always a lifetime's worth of precious memories to forever cherish.

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