Kisara's College Life

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A/N: Just a little scenario delving into Kisara's college life in Europe. With Seto in the mix of course. xD :D A stand-alone basically xD

The mornings were cold. Weren't they always?

Kisara huffed tiredly as she waited diligently for her morning caffeine to brew. All the while, she kept glancing at her open textbook. She had several tests lined today, and she was more than intent on passing all of them. A course on Development Communication was not a joke, and she found it both interesting and arduous to study, but she could live with it.

She sat quietly at the kitchen counter perched on a bar stool as she pored over every word printed out on the thick textbook. She had just flipped a page to read the next one when the coffeemaker instantly announced its task completion and the door to the condo unit opened. There was only one person who could be possibly returning at seven AM. Kisara had woken up this morning to an empty space next to her in their bed, and she could only guess where her elusive man had gone off too. Whatever the case, she wasn't expecting him back until tonight, but there he was appearing through the kitchen archway carrying a paper bag filled with what she assumed were breakfast goodies.

Nothing seemed to faze her whenever she was studying, but the light kiss on her ear and the box of McGriddle cakes placed in front of her were a different story. The food, in particular, tempted her more than anything.

"Exam in three hours. You need that." Seto nodded towards the food he had placed on the counter as he claimed the seat next to her, silently typing a reply to a couple of corporate emails that had assaulted him earlier this morning.

Kisara traced a light finger over the slightly yellowed page of her textbook. "You went out this morning to buy me food?" She teased, leaning her cheek against a propped up fist, drilling Seto playfully with her glimmering eyes.

Kaiba glanced at her from his work before his thumbs resumed their meager task of typing mobile responses. "I got us both food. We're running low on stock." He told her as a matter-of-fact.

She reached out and brushed strands of his dark brown hair from getting in the way of his eyes. "I could've swung by the store later today from school. You didn't have to, and I know you're busy."

He caught her hand and briefly kissed her knuckles, glancing at her from the corner of his eye before refocusing on his current task. "I wanted too, and I can't possibly be any busier than you."

She sighed. It was pointless to rouse a silly argument with Seto over such trivial things. She was more than grateful for his initiative already. Instead, she reached into the box and took out the mini-cake with its helping of grilled sausage, scrambled eggs, and cheese in between. It was delicious, she had to give it that.

"I'm going to start looking for a part-time job in the city." She commented after a few minutes of utter silence. It hadn't been awkward, but she knew Seto was staring at her, and it made her feel slightly self-conscious.

A hand brushed a stray lock of her silver hair behind one ear. "For University fees?"

"Yeah." She nodded, her blue eyes busy with scanning the words on the page. Multitasking had always been her forte. She could focus on two things at once, and that made for quality time with Seto this early in the morning even if she was busy reviewing for her final exams. "I'm going to need the money for the next semester after summer."

Kaiba frowned slightly, wounding his fingers through silvery strands. "You don't have to worry about anything financially when I'm around."

She appreciated every thing Seto had given her already—even the time he spent with her. She didn't want to take anything else from him, and she had sworn to herself long ago that she could live her own life, never depending on anyone for help. She appreciated the sentiment and Seto's concern for her college education, but she intended to finish school with the money that she earned herself. She didn't want to leech off of his account. He had already done so much. He'd given her a place to stay free of charge. Her miscellaneous fees had gone down because she wasn't staying in the school's dormitory anymore. She had always taken public transport, but now that Seto was here, he was always adamant about taking her to and fro from school. The monthly allowances she received because of her scholarship used to feel inadequate to cater to her everyday needs—living alone in London, but ever since Seto had arrived, that monthly allowance became more than enough.

She was truly touched and felt so cherished, but she hated the idea that he was treating her too much like a princess.

Kisara smiled at him, automatically leaning into his touch as he cupped her cheek and stole a fleeting kiss. "Seto, I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me, but please. I need the work experience, and I want to earn my own money. Not leech out of your account." She took his hand and gave it a squeeze upon seeing the concerned expression on his handsome face.

He was already looking after and taking care of Mokuba and himself—not to mention his successful business empire. She did not want to be an extra burden on his already heavily loaded shoulders. She could fend for herself all well and good. Besides, all she ever wanted was to spend time with him—and he knew that too.

"If you want work experience, I can find you something at my company." He suggested, a devious smile playing on his lips. "I'll even pay you double."

Kisara rolled her eyes and pushed his hand away playfully. "That is no way fair, and my skills don't lie in the field of business. I am a communication major remember?"

Her stool suddenly jerked forward, startling her as she nearly toppled backwards. But a secure hand had caught the small of her back. She had gasped in surprise at the unexpected motion, and the next thing she knew, her boyfriend's face was merely inches away from hers.

"Be in the lead of my public relations team then." He breathed against her lips. "That or you can take care of the advertising department and the marketing."

She cocked an eyebrow. "You are way too eager."

Seto made a face as she poked the tip of his nose playfully.

"I can be the head of your PR team, when I graduate." She explained sternly.

He leaned back slightly, and she was silently grateful for the return of her private space. "But you've concocted brilliant original ideas already."

She shrugged. "I know, but I want to get into Kaiba Corporation just like any other employee." She grinned. "Inquire at the desk, set up an interview with Mr. Kaiba, present my resume, spend the rest of my days earning money." Kisara flicked his nose a little, earning her a silly face again.

"If that would happen, I hope you know that my other employees would find this amusing. You applying for a job and asking for an interview with the man who is technically your boyfriend."

"Quite admittedly, I would find it amusing too." She gave him a cheeky wink.

"Why don't I just make you my personal secretary then?" He suggested; the mischievous smile reappearing in an instant as he hooked his foot around one of her ankles.

"And then what?" She snarked, sliding her own finger through one of the belt loops in his jeans, challenging him with her eyes.

"And we'd be very productive." He smirked slyly, and there was no way she could miss the hidden meaning in his choice of words.

She poked his abdomen with the same finger that had initially hooked around the fabric of his clothes. "We're straying from the point, because you're distracting me."

"Is it working?"

"No." She sighed as she felt his familiar arms wrap around her waist. "I need a job of my own choosing and I want to start basic. I should apply for a waitress or something; improve my interactional skills."

"You're sure?" His fingers found the hem of her shirt and his hand slowly slid up to feel the bare skin underneath.

Kisara nodded resolutely against his shoulder, her hands on his arms as her thumbs stroked his biceps.

"You have my full-fledged support then." He spoke in her ear as he kissed the top of her head.

A Bunch of BluesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz