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"WORMTAIL?!?!?" Voldemort yelled.

"Y-y-yes, master?" Peter stuttered.

"Get me the location of that pesky Potter family," Voldemort demanded.

"Of course, master." Peter bowed and left the room.

"But, My Lord, isn't it too risky?" Severus Snape asked. Voldemort glared at him and Snape hung his head, looking away.

"My Lord, I do not wish to intrude, but Wormtail has found them." Lucius Malfoy interrupted.

"Thank you, Malfoy. And just where are they?" Voldemort questioned.

"They are believed to be hiding in Hogsmeade, My Lord." He replied.

"That's impossible! I sent you and Severus to search there just last week." Voldemort hissed.

"But, My Lord, that's the truth." Malfoy protested.

"I will go there and kill them myself if I have to." Voldemort swept out of the room and down the corridor, being watched by an unnoticed Peter Pettigrew.

"Thank Merlin he believed me!" Peter exclaimed and apparated out of the dim corridor.


There was a knock at the door and Lily Potter gasped and hugged Harry closer to her.

"James, there's someone at the door!" She whispered, fearing the worst.

"It's okay, sweetie. You take Harry and the suitcase, I'll try and buy you guys some time." James said.

"NO! James, don't." Lily argued as James tip-toed to the door.

"Lily, I'm sure Voldemort wouldn't have the manners to knock on the door anyway, okay. I'm convinced it is just Remus or Sirius."James called over his shoulder in a really 'I'm-not-worried' kind of way, when actually, he was fearing for the lives of his son and wife. Running through all the possibilities, he opened the door, to find a small mouse on the doorstep. It scurried in and into an empty bedroom. "Peter Pettigrew!" James muttered. "He must have turned into a filthy rat after he pressed the doorbell. Oi, Pete. Stop hopping around on the cream carpet!"

"B-b-but, James. You'll never come back here again! What's the point?" Peter said. It was then the realisation hit James.

"I'll never be coming back, right. I forgot, where are you taking us again? Oh yeah, the Shrieking Shack!" James said, hatred and sarcasm dripping in his voice.

"James, don't take it out on Pettigrew. After all, the Alice and Frank are surely doing the same to keep their dear young one, Neville, safe." Lily soothed and placed a hand on James' arm, cradling Harry in the other.

"Of course. Let's go, then." James grabbed the trunk, hugging Lily and his child, thinking about the creaking, old building they were going to live in for at least six months. Screwing his eyes shut, he and his family disappeared, leaving Peter Pettigrew to talk to Voldemort about the Potters moving from Hogsmeade to a different country altogether to protect his childhood friends. Changing back into a rat, he ran around the corner and apparated to Hogsmeade.


"What. Do. You. Mean?" Voldemort scrutinised, trying to refrain from killing Peter on the spot.

"Well, Your Greatness, I put a spell on the Potters' and it tracks where they are." Peter stuttered.

"Clever rat." Voldemort voice was bittersweet and dripping with false praise as he patted Pettigrew on the head.

"And it shows that they slipped out of your fingers, apparating to the airport, so as not to raise suspicion, and caught a flight to Australia, Sydney," Peter explained in a hesitant voice. Voldemort nodded.

"Well, they only got on one hour ago, my Lord, and the flight would take at least 12 hours, so they would still be on the plane. We could shoot it down, kill them for good." Severus suggested.

"Yes, good idea Severus." Voldemort began planning the route to the plane rounding up all his Deatheaters and barking out orders.


Harry and his parents appear in front of the Whomping Willow just days before He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named ransacks their house and finds it empty, 'Only to prove Peter right!' he said.

"Well, honey, we're here. Peter will have to get supplies from Hogsmeade because Merlin knows how many Death-Eaters will be swarming in there!" Lily told James. He nodded and trudged up to the deadly tree.

"Yeah, but how on Earth are we gonna get Harry in that house?" He replied, examining the big boulder-like buds at the end of each branch. They stood there in thought for a minute.

"James and Lily. Who'd 'ave thought that those two lovebird's a be back 'ere? Eh?" A deep, friendly voice rumbled from behind them. James and Lily froze, wondering who would be in their right state of mind to approach this huge killer of a tree. Slowly, James turned around and stared into the face of Hagrid. He breathed a sigh of relief and Lily spun around too. "An' 'ho's that we 'ave 'ere?" Hagrid crept closer to Harry and Lily pushed back the blanket to reveal his face. "Look, 'e's smilin' a' me!" Hagrid began cooing and making different baby noises in an attempt to entertain Harry. James lay flat on his stomach, looking for that twisted knob of the trunk to immobilise it. Scooting forward, he spotted the bulk near the small hole in the tree.

"Found it!" He shrieked. Hagrid and Lily looked at him. Lily nodded and James charmed a nearby twig to float, pressing the button to keep the deadly plant in place.

"'Ang on, you're not plannin' on living in there, are ya?" Hagrid butted in.

"Well, when there are times like this, you gotta do what you gotta do," Lily replied sorrowfully. James took Harry from her and crouched down. On all fours, he made his way to the tree.

"Lily, could you pass me the trunk?" He asked, pointing to a large suitcase. She shrank it, throwing it to him. He pushed it deep into his trouser pockets and launched himself through the door. Lily followed his lead and shrank the remaining bags, stuffing them all into her coat pockets and down the small passage that leads to the house itself. Together, they shuffled until they reached a wooden staircase. James enlargened one of the three bags they had up the stairs while Lily brought the other two. Harry was placed in the bed by James Potter and Lily began the laborious task of filling up the closets and drawers with anything they managed to gather. Pulling out her willow wand, she swished it and all the items floated in midair. With another flick, they all found their rightful place in the cabinets and wardrobe. Harry laughed and gurgled at his mother's trick.

"You'll soon be learning about some of that, my dear. And, my, will you enjoy it!" Lily tickled her son's chin and he continued to giggle. His small chubby fingers grabbed around her long, slender ones. Lilys' eyes showed pure love and devotion towards Harry. James joined her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder in a comforting way. She turned to face him, tears brimming in emerald green eyes. He brought her into a hug and she cried into her shirt. "W-what if he finds us? James, what will we do then? We aren't strong enough to fight him, he could destroy the entire world with the flick of his wrist, for Merlins' sake! What if he takes Harry-" She broke down, tears coming out fast. James patted her back soothingly.

"None of that will happen, everyone knows Voldemort is afraid of Dumbledore!" Jomes comforted. Harry gurgled, his smile bright in his green eyes. His father picked him up.

"He's got your hair," Lily mentioned.

"And your eyes." James finished.

"It's such a shame, how am I going to keep that mop in control?" She ruffles Harrys' constantly messy hair. James leans in and kissed her forehead.

"It's all going to be fine, just wait and see."

"But what will happen to Peter once Voldemort finds out he lied?" Lily sighed as James wrapped his arms around her bulging stomach, their second child, a girl. Elizabeth.

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