Chapter 25~~Lost and Found

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"Ginny, lately, I've been having weird nightmares," I begin, thinking of the dream with the dogs and Tom Riddle. I realise I was older in the dream than I am now. I must have been sixteen then. "And the latest one was someone telling me you had thrown the diary own the toilet. They also told me it won't work, Ginny." I watch as her face pales slightly and her fingers begin to tremble. Smiling to myself, I go on. "Moaning Myrtle was pretty annoyed, Ginny. You threw that book straight through her head."

"No, listen, you don't understand! He told me to do it, Ellie! You have to trust me! He told me to do it because then your brother ends up with it, and he ends up with Tom." Ginny stutters. I freeze.

"What?" I whisper. "You set up a trap. For my brother?" I say, louder. She nods weakly. "Come on, we have to find it before him!" I grab her arm and we run to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, dodging teachers and students alike. I ignore Professor Sprout telling us off for running in the corridors and fling open the bathroom door. Panting, we search the bathroom from wall to wall and in each individual toilet in case Myrtle threw it down another in anger, not that it's likely but it's worth a try.

"I can't find it," Ginn huffs. I nod in agreement.

"Harry must already have it." I prevent from cursing.

"What are we gonna do?" Ginny pants.

"Myrtle," I say in my sweetest voice. The ghost of a long-dead girl floats into the air above the second cubicle on my right.

"Oh, it's you." She spits, scowling.

"Myrtle, we were just wondering, did anyone come in here and, I don't know, throw a book, by any chance?" I ask casually, however the small Tom inside me, continuously growing bigger, makes it hard. I need to talk to Tom, I've been having withdrawals.

"Oh yes," She gains a dreamy look, resting her chin in her hand and staring off into space. "Harry did. And his friend, the one with red hair. I was very annoyed with whoever through the book at my head, and Harry's friend, who didn't seem to appreciate how it hurt my feelings!" I saw Ginny look away, pretending to examine the taps, as she turned bright red. I sigh through gritted teeth and smile my sweetest at Myrtle.

"Oh, thank you! I'll tell Harry's naughty friend off for you, and pass on the message to whoever threw the book at you, don't worry!" I say, clasping my hands in an innocent manner. "Come, Ginny, we have books to find." I grip her hand and she whimpers.

'What are you doing, Ellie?  This is not you. This is Tom. This is not you.' I pause and let go of Ginny's hand. 'You're doing this for Harry, not yourself. Where's your Gryffindor?' My black flats suddenly seem interesting as I tell myself off for being so selfish, I let it get in the way of my friendship with Ginny. I sigh and hug Ginny, muttering an apology in her ear. She hugs me back and we wander to Transfiguration. During our lesson, we plan on how to steal back the diary, provided Harry hadn't already written in it.

"Right, so, Harry will likely be fascinated with the diary for about a week, until he has figured out about it, so unless we steal it back during the day, we'll be too late. " I mention.

"So, I'll go on Thursday lunch, okay?" She says, and I agree. With some small talk with Vena and John, the lesson flew by and soon we were all strolling to our second lesson of the day, Herbology. Before we went outside, we went to our dorms to don some winter clothing.

"Merlin, the weather seems to be getting worse!" Vena exclaims. I glance out the window by my bed and gasp in shock at the snow falling fast.

"It's already coated the grounds. It wouldn't have settled, it rained last night." Ginny peers out of her own window, looking down.

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