Chapter 17~~Duelling Club

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"Ellie! Harry! You're alright! God, I was worried so much when I found out." Hermione runs and leaps into Harry's open arms, wrapping her own around him and trapping me in between. "I'm just glad you're okay." Her words are muffled, yet as clear as daylight. I engulf her in a hug, feeling a pair of arms snaking their way around all three of us.

"RON!" Harry yells in delight. Ginny smothers her older brother in a hug and Fred and George appear in front of me.

"Hi!" I exclaim, but their faces are ones of mourning. "What's wrong?"

"We are sincerely, -"

"-From the bottom of our hearts-"

"-Sorry for your losses. But we're glad you fine!" They smile and drop their hands from their chests. Soon, everyone begins to head to the portrait.

"Come on, Ellie, it's the feast!" Hermione calls me over.

"It's okay, I'm really tired. I didn't get much sleep on the train or last night." I yawn, heading up to the dorms. She frowns but leaves it when Ginny pulls her through the hole. I shrug of my robes and shed my uniform, replacing it with my pyjamas. My fluffy pillow welcomes me into my sleep, which never comes. I huff and lay on my back, wondering what I'm missing, if there's anything I've forgotten to do.

'I've said hi to everyone, who confirmed I am still alive. I've got into my jim-jams, written any and every essay due in for the next week, and I've..... Not put my uniform away. But do I care? Not really.' I think, another yawn unwillingly escaping my large mouth. 'So what is it? Tom! I've not told Tom about my parents! And I've not got Bunny-Bunny.' I rip the blankets off me and hunt around in my trunk for the beloved purple bunny I've been sleeping with ever since that fateful night. I dig my hand right to the bottom, pulling the toy out with a satisfactory grin. Gently, I throw her on the bed, searching Ginny's trunk for the black dairy and the writing equipment needed. I open the book to the first page, unscrewing the ink cap and dipping my quill into it.

Hello, Tom.

Hi, Elizabeth.

Oh, for the last time, call me Ellie.

I'll call you Eliza, I've never heard of someone called 'Ellie' before.

Alright, I have some major news.

Okay, what is it?

Well, how do I phrase this? I pause and a damp curl falls into my face. It sticks to my forehead and I can't blow it away. I decide to ignore it. After some internal debate, I give a detailed explanation of what happened, describing how red Voldemorts eyes were and how it all felt.  I watch the words sink into the parchment and wait for a reply. Vivid memories flash in my minds' eye. Looking outside, the stars twinkle brightly against the inky-black sky and I find myself wishing I was among them, with my parents. Just as I hear footsteps on the stairs outside, Tom decides to write back.

I have something to tell you, but you can not tell anyone. Are you ready?

No, someone's coming. You can tell me later.

The door creaks open just as I pull the blanket over my head and shut the curtains. Gently, I place the cap on the ink and push the diary under my pillow. I twist my body to make it look like I'm sleeping and someone pulls the curtains.

"Ellie, are you awake? Harry said you've not been eating much since that day. Are you okay?" Ginny's long, red hair brushes across my face as she leans over me. Her breath tickles my cheek when she sighs and climbs into her own bed across from mine. Sleep blankets my mind, putting my exhausted body to rest.

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