Chapter 18~~ Marauders of the Now

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I bound down the stairs and stubble into the Common Room. Everyone else has gone.

"Of course everyone else has gone, Merlin. You slept in!" I run to the portrait, pushing it open, but Harry stops me by calling my name.

"What are you doing? You're meant to be in lessons!"

"Well, obviously, that's where I'm going, but I'm late, so goodbye!" I glance at Hermione and Ron playing chess as a bishop obliterates one of Hermione's players. I speed down the hallway and wrap my scarf around my neck. Pulling on my mittens, I join everyone outside. 

"Ah, Miss Potter, how nice of you to join us." Madame Hooch says.

"Sorry, Miss."  I apologise and she carries on talking about the fastest way to fly.

"You need to be low, as low as possible, and never take both hands off the broom. Have them as far along the handle as you feel comfortable, but no further." Hooch instructed. We nod obediently and hover a hand over our snow-coated brooms.

"Up," I say sternly. Everyone around me is saying the same. The Cleansweep flew into my hand and I position myself above it accordingly.

"Good, Potter," Hooch passes me and adjusts a girls body on her broom. I almost miss her blonde hair, blanketed with the snow and already platinum as it is, but  Vena glares at the boy next to her as the flying professor gently pushes her into the proper place. 

"Where were you?" Ginny asked from next to the person opposite me.

"Well, no-one woke me so I accidentally slept-in," I replied.

"Sorry, you had another nightmare last night. You did settle down though, near the end. We wanted you to have a good night's sleep, while you can." Ginny defends herself, shrugging and focusing on Madam Hooch again as she begins to explain the next step. Gently, I push off from the ground and float into the sky.

"Now, to practise, we'll race to the edge of the field. Line up!" She called, clapping her hands. Everyone formed a line and I found myself in between Vena and Luna.

"Mornin', sleepy-head," Vena whispers. "Good night's sleep?" I can tell she is generally concerned.

"Yeah, thanks," I answer.

A sharp whistle pierces the cold air and I shoot forward, not getting very far. Vena flies past and glances at me with a smile. I grin back and take the challenge, leaning forward and slipping my hands further down my broom. Ginny swerves in front of us and we easily catch up to her, doing loop-the-loops and weaving in and out of each other. Our laughter rings in the air as we swoop down and up, long ginger and blonde hairs sweeping my face and tickling my nose. I sneeze and someone clears their throat beneath us. We glance down and see Madam Hooch and the whole class looking up at is.

"Get down here right now!" The professor demands and we obediently land, hanging our heads in shame, but with small smirks lingering on our faces. With a sigh from Hooch, we look up at her, keeping our faces innocent. "Just like the Marauders." She mutters. "If ever you do that or anything similar, you will all be out of this school before you can even think of the word 'Quidditch'. As of now, however, all three of you have detention."

"Yes, professor." We say in unison.

"I want you to scrub all the spare brooms in the shed at after the next Quidditch match, on Saturday. Class dismissed!"

We all nod, walking off solemnly.

"Vena!" A tall boy calls and Vena waves over to us. "Detention, really? Your family's already upset with you, this will make it so much worse."

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