Chapter 24~~Quidditch

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A pair of grey eyes lock onto my own and I tuck the letter safely into the bottom of my school bag, squeezing it in between my Potions textbook and scrolls of Transfiguration homework, to be saved for later. My apple crunches between my teeth and juice oozes out of the bitten flesh. I concentrate on my apple until I hear Ginny calling my name and feel Vena tugging my sleeve tiredly.

"Come on, El! We're going to be late!" Ginny stands with her hand on her hip, two or three textbooks hanging loosely by her side. "It's DADA!" She swoons and Vena leaps to catch her. I just grin and sigh, trudging to the classroom and dragging Ginny by the hand.

"You got to admit though, he is quite the looker, Professor Lockhart." Vena murmurs. Reluctantly, I nod my head.

"If he weren't so ignorant he'd be perfect." I agree, strolling ahead of her before she can tease me.

"Is that who the letter was from, then?" She calls. "Lockhart?"

"What? No! It wouldn't be right for a teacher to send a student a love letter. It's against the rules!" I argue. She hums and skips away from me. "Hey! Wait up!"  I run to catch up with her. She sprints passed a huddle of sixth years, knocking their books out off their hands.

"Hey! Watch it!" They shout after us. I look right to see Ginny.

"Why... are we...running?" She pants.

"Because. Why not?" I reply. I spot Vena skidding to a halt before a very angry -looking Professor McGonagall. Ginny and I crash into her as we couldn't stop in time.

"What do you think you are doing?!" She seethes.

"Well, miss-" I begin.

"No, I don't even want to hear it. Lessons -- all three of you!" She points to our classroom. "I deal with it later."

"She's probably just dealt with Fred and George's Valentine's prank. Was it just me, or was Hermione not at breakfast today?" She whispers into my ear. I glance at her as I slip into my seat, thinking back.

"She probably left early," I answer.

"Actually, I saw her in the Hospital Wing last night," Vena interjects.

"Why were you in the Hospital Wing?" Ginny asks. She shrugs and softly rubs her stomach.

"Just a certain time of the month."

"Alright, today, class, we'll be....." Professor Lockhart starts, clapping his hands. I tune him out and focus on his looks.


The grass squelches under my feet, snow turning to mush under my boots. The Quidditch stands loom over my head, shadows stretching far behind me. The stars linger in the velvety black sky and I pause to gaze at them. Wood creaks under the old staircase leading to the seat. I settle into a seat in the middle of the row, three rows from the first. Resting my elbows on my knees and pulling Harry's invisibility cloak from around my shoulders, I tilt my head to look back at the stars. I prop my feet on the back of the bench in front of me.

I think. I think of Hermione, wondering how she became part cat, hoping she gets well soon. I think of the Herbology homework we got today. I wonder who my SA is. I think of Tom and Draco. How well they'd be each other's friends. I think of my brother, sleeping tightly in bed, dreaming some sweet dream. I think of Ginny and Vena, of Myra and Lucy. I stare at my nails, picking them and biting my lips.

I think of my parents, and immediately feel bad for not telling them about Tom before they died. For not telling them just how much I loved them. I wonder about Uncle Mooney, what he's doing. I think about Harry's godfather. I think of Ailyn Novak, my godmother. The godmother I've never met. Who I will probably never meet. I think of Dudley and his parents, how lucky he is. I think of the Malfoys and the Lestranges. Of Voldemort, and wonder what he's doing. Probably roasting some kind of eagle over a fire in the mountains, regretting being on the losing side of a quiet war.

Elizabeth Lily Potter-PetrifiedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora