Chapter 20 ~~ Detention

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I wake up shivering with my arms wrapped tightly around me. Hustle and bustle surrounds me as my ears slowly wake up and it feels like I'm coming out from the Black Lake after drowning. I gasp and cough as arguments slowly rise around me.

"I swear to God, Lucy! That scarf is mine!" Myra screams, tugging a Gryffindor scarf. The other end of the scarf in clutched tightly in the girl's whose name I didn't know, now I'm presuming it's Lucy.

"No, Myra, it's mine! Mum knitted it especially for me! Look, it even says my name in the corner." Lucy twists a corner and faces it upwards. Lucy Fay is written in the gold in sparkling silver handwriting.

"You obviously wrote that last night!"

I sigh and turn over, trying to ignore the accusations thrown between the two girls. I spot my duvet on the floor and heave my self off my cold bed. I leap in the shower before it has a chance to warm up and gasp as icy water runs down my back and through my hair.

"Well, that woke me up," I mutter. I stop shivering as the water grows hotter and rub shampoo into my hair, massaging and lathering my scalp. I rinse my head and close my eyes, soaking my hair in conditioner and brushing it. Jumping out of the shower, I dry myself with a cotton-soft towel and ram a brush through my hair once more before going back to my room to get changed.

"Come on, slow-poke!" Ginny calls from the door.

"Coming," I yell back, donning a honey-yellow jumper and black leggings, slipping my sock-coated feet into warm winter boots. I hop down the stairs and bolt to the portrait, almost running into my friends.

"Woah, watch it there, Ellie!" Ginny laughs, holding her hands to my shoulders. I laugh with her and walk alongside her, in between her and Vena, wrapping my arms around their necks. 

"Come on, guys, the match is about to start!" Lucy calls from ahead, her scarf around her throat and a glittering smile plastered onto her face. Myra grumbles underneath her breath, I turn back with a smile as fake as our friendship since last night and tell her to cheer up. My insides warm with the pettiest revenge when she shoots me a glare full of daggers, enough to kills someone who cares. Thankfully, I don't. Bright sunlight forces my unadjusted eyes to squint as we step outside. The sound of roaring crowds fills my ears as though the castle had been soundproofed.

We race to the stands and bolt up the rickety wooden steps to a spare space to cheer on the Hufflepuffs. A chant rings out through the students, varying on who they support.

"GO HUFFLEPUFF!" I scream, waving a large piece of parchment that Ginny gave me. I pass one end to Lucy and the other to Vena, who declines, showing me the green and silver attire.

"Draco's playing, and, despite everything, he's still my brother and I'm still his sister." She explains, and I nod, walking to the other end myself and pushing the parchment high in the air.

Tiny dots of people swoop through the air and pass the even smaller Quaffle. The Hufflepuff Seeker, Cedric Diggory, hovers high above the other players, looking down on them, clearly searching for the Snitch. Draco's flying nearby, looking like a speck of floating Slytherin robes, his hair blending into the background, just like Venas'. I look across to my friend and gaze at her sideways on. I never knew she had pale blonde freckles. A bright smile spreads from ear to ear as Slytherin score. Boos and cheers ripple through the excitable crowd. My mind runs back to last night and I look at Vena again. I don't ever want to lose my friends. Ever. She looks at me and I shocked out of my thoughts.

"Come here," I pull Vena towards me and wrap my arms around her, discarding the sign. She pulls her hands out of her pockets and hugs me back, laughing with surprise. I squeeze her and close my eyes tight, letting go and picking the parchment back up, waving it like a maniac. I can feel a pair of grey eyes on me but I choose to ignore her. When I glance at her, she's focused on the match again. I breathe a sigh of relief.

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