Chapter 14~~ The Worst Day Of My Life... So Far

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"Ellie. Ellie. Elizabeth! Wake up!" Someone shakes me awake. 

"Wha-" I mumble.

"Up, pack your things." Mum shuffles around my room picking up random things and stuffing them into my school trunk. "Come on, you're going to the Burrow." I rub my eyes sleepily and look at the clock resting on my wall. 1:05 a.m.

"Mum, what's going on? It's 1 o'clock in the morning." I ask.

"Nothing, dear, just some... Last minute plans. Nothing to worry about!" She answers, shoving an old pair of socks that don't fit me anymore down the side of my trunk.

"Why this early in the morning?"

"LILY! He's here! Take Harry, go! Protego! Silencio!" Dad yells and runs down the corridor, shooting the invisible shield charm and silencing charm at my doorway once Mum bolted off to wake Harry. "Stay here, my little doe," Dad whispers to me. A door creaks open further down the hallway and Dad turns back. "Hide," He mouths.

"Aaah, James Potter..." A soft voice spits, bouncing off the walls and ringing in my ears. I tip-toe to the darkest corner of my room, near my bed, and peer out from the corner of my bed.

"I love you," Dad whispers, and I know that no-one can save him.

"Move, you foolish man!" Voldemort orders.

"No." Dad turns around, tears shining in his eyes. "No." He repeats.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort throws the words at my dad as if they were nothing. A flash of green shrouds them both and my mouth opens in silent horror. My father's dead body falls to the ground with a loud thud and his spectacles fall off his face. Wood splinters litter the floor, yet Voldemort walks barefoot along the hallway.

"Give me Harry Potter." He must have marched to Harry's room, as I can hear Mum telling him to stay away from my brother. "Move, stupid girl." I crouch, useless, in the hidden corner of my perfectly intact room. I detect the two worst words in the world, a chilling scream and my mother's lifeless body fall like my fathers. I screech, but no-one hears me due to Dad's charm. The same words that killed my parents are uttered by the same man that killed them. I leap to my doorway and bang on the shield.

"NO! HARRY! HARRY! SOMEONE, HELP! PLEASE. HARRY!" I yell and shout until my voice is hoarse. My tears streaks down my cheeks. All I can hear are my fists trying to smash through the strong charm produced by an even stronger man, tears trickling through my closed eyes, falling onto my carpet. I kick and punch the shield with all my might, but it still holds. "UNCLE MOONEY! DUMBLEDORE! ANYONE! PLEASE!" I run to my window and fling it open, cool air brushing my face and shifting my hair. I breathe in deeply, letting the night air fill my lungs, reminding me that this is not a dream. I already knew it wasn't a dream, it all felt too real. I carry on fighting a losing battle within myself. Mum and Dad can't die, they were too... perfect. Living the perfect life, with the perfect family. Their entire being revolved around our good aroma. Why them? Why us? Why me? "Please," I weep, my feet and hands aching too much to argue anymore, and I sink to the ground, choked sobs finding their way past my vocal chords and out of my mouth. Everything goes black around me, but not before I see Snape and Uncle Mooney round the beaten up corner and run towards me. "Help, " I whisper, before falling into a dreamless sleep.


A slow rocking motion gently wakes me up. I groggily rub my eyes and glance around me. Harry's head rests on my head and he has a fresh lightening-shaped scar above his right eyebrow. The car we're driving in stops at a red light and Harry rubs his eyes under his glasses as he wakes up. His eyes, Mum's eyes, his hair, Dad's hair. Fresh tears spring into my eyes, but I sniffle and look out of the window, biting back the sobs scratching my throat for freedom.

"Wha-what happened?" As soon as the words leave my mouth, everything comes back. Dad dying, Mum screaming, me being useless and Voldemort being there. I hope against hope that it was all just a terribly vivid nightmare.

"Well, it was around 1 o'clock, this morning, and Voldemort had found us and-" Harry starts.

"And he killed them." I cut in.

"Yeah," He sighs.

"Where are we going?"

"Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's. They had a kid who's Harry's age. Dudley." Uncle Moony answers.

"That'll be great. You know how she treated Mum."

"Yeah, well, we have no control over it." He looks out of the windscreen. I frantically pat my night suit pockets.

"My presents-"

"Here," He hands me the bracelet and hairpin. "Sorry, I couldn't find the locket."

"It's fine." I pull out the chain from underneath my top. "I wore it to sleep." Harry gives me a weird look. "Don't judge." The car judders to a halt outside a very neat house.

"We're here." A very soothing voice announces.

"Dumbledore?" I ask.

"That would be me." He replies, a smile to his tone. "Remus is the only one who knew how to drive. Come one." He opens his door and Harry and I do the same. I wrap my blood-stained arms around Moony's waist.

"Why can't we go with you?"

"For... reasons you'll find out soon enough, surely." He leads us up the driveway and my heart drops and speeds up at the same time. I chew nervously on my lip and Harry puts a comforting arm around my shoulder. The doorbell rings and the handle turns. I turn to my brother, looking for advice. Before either of us can speak, the door swings inwards and a huge bulky man blocks any light coming out from the hallway.

"Oh, it's you." He says gruffly. I shrink back in fear, wondering if this man could be rendezvousing with Voldemort. "Come in, before anyone sees you."

"I don't want to," I whisper to Harry.

"Ellie, you have to." Harry cajoles. I shake my head. "Elizabeth," He warns. I know he's serious because he called me by my full name. I sigh, shuffling in through the doorway. The bright light blinds me momentarily. I face Remus through the door and beg with my eyes to take us away, but Uncle Vernon slams the door in his face after he carries our trunks and Harry's owl and broom in, looking at the distastefully, and sets them at the bottom of the stairs. I face forward again and clutch Harry's arm which had lost my shoulder in the confusion.

"You," Uncle Vernon points a pudgy finger at me. "Upstairs. Now!" He orders. I shrink into my brother, who nudges me. I let go of him and drag my trunk to the first floor. "First bedroom on the left!" I lug my stuff to my new room and drop it by the bed. I look at the clock on the bare walls. 2:45 am. I curl up into a tight ball and try to sleep, even when I know the nightmares will come fast and easy and will haunt me for the rest of my life.


I wake to the sun barely shining through my window and I sheen of sweat coating every inch of my body. I shiver despite the heating and decide I'm not going to rest anytime soon. Instead, I root through my trunk to see what I have and what I don't. My quills and robes are buried at the bottom, with more casual, Muggle clothing at the top. I yawn and set everything aside, sandwiching my pin in between both kinds of clothes. Uncle Moony must have packed my trunk for me after Mum's failed attempts. As I bring my hand out, they touch something soft, which I pull out. The old socks that no longer fit me rest in my hands.

"Duddy-kins! Potters! Breakfast!" A high voice shrills. I open my door and wander downstairs. I'm pushed out of the way when a fat lump shoves me and leaps to the ground floor.

"Don't worry, another week until school." Harry appears at my side.

"I know, but they didn't even live until Christmas," I respond. He sighs. A few tears escape his eyes and mine follow quickly. We sit down on the stairs together, sobbing. Harry cuddles me and I cry into his chest. Three more day until Christmas.

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