Chapter 2~~ Hogwarts

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Hedwig, Harrys' snowy owl, taps on my window and I let him in.

"Harry, Mum and Dad have sent you a letter!" I hand him it. My older brother opens in and his sparkling green eyes dull as they reach the end of the letter.

"They're not going to be back in time to take us to Hogwarts!" He sighs. "They're mission is taking a little longer than expected."

"I really don't want them getting hurt, you know. They're wonderful people who love us and are determined to get revenge on You-Know-Who." I say. I quickly scan the letter. "Harry, how much of this have you read?"

"Enough. I'm going to sleep, night Ellie."

"Night." I shuffle to the bed.

"Ellie, can I ask you something?" Ginny tenderly sits on the bed, next to me and I nod. "Well, remember that book Malfoy's dad found in my cauldron? Well.... I don't know how to say this, but it isn't mine. I swear I've never seen it before and I'm scared, it's messing with my head and I don't know what to do." She starts getting defensive.

"Ginny, it's fine, just bury it at the bottom of your trunk and wait till school starts, then you can ask a teacher." I calm her down. She takes a deep breath and stands up, removing the black book from her table and stuffing it at the bottom of her trunk, covering it with books and clothes so as not to get tempted.

"I can't wait until tomorrow, we're finally going to Hogwarts!" She squeals, the previous conversation forgotten.

"I know, I wonder what house I'll be in..." I think aloud.

"I think you'll be Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, but I can't imagine you in Hufflepuff or Slytherin."

"I think you will definitely be a Gryffindor, I mean, look at everyone else in your family!"

"Yeah, you're probably right. We should probably get some sleep, Merlin, look at the time! It's already quarter past 9! We've got an early start, Dad's taking us in his Ford Angela, it's a muggle thing that takes you from one place to another. But Dad's enchanted so it can fly, fit more people in and become invisible!"

"Wow!" I whisper, turning off the light. "Night, Ginny" I say, but she's already asleep.


Someone's shaking me.

"Go away." I mumble into my pillow.

"Elizabeth Lily Potter, you get up right now, we're leaving in an hour." Harry says. I widen my eyes at his statement.


"Yes, now get up, breakfast's on the table!" He leaves and I rush to the chair at the other side of the room. After throwing on some normal muggle clothes, I run downstairs to the dining room. Everyone's already helping to clear the dishes.

"Sorry I'm late, I've only just woken up!" I explain as I stuff my face with toast and eggs. I hurry to brush my hair and teeth before helping to the put bags in the Ford Angela and sit down with my cat, Starry, curling up in my lap. Fred and George squeeze in next to Ron, who's next to Harry, who's next to Ginny, who's next to me. I rest my head on the window and close my eyes. It feels like only seconds later when we all tumble out of the light blue vehicle. We all grab a trolley and dump all our lugage on it.

"C'mon, Ellie! Platforms 9 and 10 are here!" Ginny waves me over and we run into the barrier together. On the other side, the bright scarlet train is waiting for us. Charlie, Aurther and Molly come through the barrier. The twins were already here. Ginny and I hug Aurther and Molly goodbye.

"Go on, now, you're going to be late!" Molly urges us on, tears brimming in her eyes. She must be so proud of Ginny. We head towards the train, someone taking our bags and putting them in the baggage area. I carry Starry onto the contraption and she purrs soundly in my arms.

Elizabeth Lily Potter-PetrifiedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant