Three: Between the poisonous and the real

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"Salt my wounds but I can't heal the way
I feel about you.
And on my deathbed, all I'll see is you
The life may leave my lungs
But my heart will stay with you."

"Why do you care about me this much?" He said while staring at her, bandaging his wounded hand. He took a deep breath, his eyes shifting from her to the pieces of glass shattered on the floor. "I'm a lost cause", he whispered.

She didn't even look at him. She just kept wrapping the white bandage around his knuckles, trying to contain her anger.

She knew she shouldn't have told him about the threats. Today it ended with a broken window, and she's terrified from what tomorrow will bring.

"Pamela, I'm sorry" he muttered.

"It's fine" she replied monotonously.

"No!" He snapped. "It's not fine. He could've hurt you today." He shook his head, lowering his voice. "He can hurt you every day, and it's all because of me. If, if something happens to you, god," he sighed. "If someone lays a hand on you I'd fucking-"

"Stop." She said firmly as her big hazel eyes fixed him like daggers. She knew what she got herself into, and it didn't matter what price she'd pay to spare him a lifelong misery.

He stared at her as she looked at his now bandaged hand, a single tear sliding on her pinkish cheek.

Jason could tell she was mad at him. She was hurt. He didn't even know why she stuck around through it all. He woke up every day thinking that this day would be the last day he saw her in. And it was all his fault. He was a living mess ever since his mother died in a car crash. He had lost the only person he was ready to die for. And then he met Pamela. The beautiful girl that owned the strings of his heart from the first smile. She was the only light brightening the dark cave he lived in. But the wound he carried was too deep and infected that an antidote had minimal effect on him. And despite her efforts, she couldn't save him from everything he was struggling with. He got lost in the gambling world and ended up in debt to one of the worst persons there is; the wicked, powerful and dangerous Michael Locke.

Everyone warned him, but he didn't listen, thinking Michael was his friend; but he should've known better. And now he found himself with a huge unpaid debt, and a bunch of threats towards his girlfriend, having no idea how to fix it.

Jason moved his hand carefully caressing her cheek feeling her burning skin against his. She tilted her head and closed her eyes as her mind and heart confronted each other in war.

"You are, my life." The words escaped her lips.

He sensed his sweetheart's vulnerability. He started talking hoping that his words could fix what has been broken.

"I love you Pam, you're everything I have. I promise you I'll get better. I'll protect you with my life. I'll change. I'll change so no one could hurt you."

He was brought back from his thoughts and back to his hospital room when his lifelong best friend opened the door. He blinked twice kicking out the images that were poisoning him; these images that were becoming more vivid day after day, reminding him of how bad he messed up at protecting the only person he loved.

"I brought you sushi with me. There's nothing that a good meal cannot fix." Matt chuckled despite the pain in his eyes.

Matt was visiting him every day, trying to help him with all the force he had. But the thought that maybe it is too late, was haunting him, terrifying him. And for that, he couldn't forgive himself for not stepping in earlier, for not trying harder when he should have.  

"Thanks Matt but I don't feel like eating." Jason replied in a cold tone.

"You really have to eat man, I don't even remember the last time you did." Matt started unpacking the delivery boxes and setting them on the bed table.

"I just, I just don't feel like getting anything inside my system. My stomach is tied in knots." He shifted uncomfortably in his bed hoping that his friend will finally drop it.

"I know you have no appetite Jay, this is why I brought sushi. You would kill to have some, back in the days. Please just try." Matt pleaded.

Jason's eyes were now fixing the ceiling. The emptiness and the numbness radiating from them. "The only thing I would kill for, is her." He spoke in one breath.

Matt's head span around when he heard his best friend's words. He moved the chair closer and sat down, staring at the lifeless yet living body in front of him.

"Do you still get the flashbacks?" Is all he managed to say, as he ran his fingers through his hair nervously.

"I can't imagine the day I won't." Jason whispered.

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