Serena X Reader (2)

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You and Serena began to take a walk around the forest. The sun was shining, and the Pokemon birds where chipping. It was a beautiful day. And today is the big day for you. You are about to confess you're feelings to Serena, the love of you're life.

"It's such a nice day out!" Serena explained. She smiled and then began to run down the trial.

"H-Hey! Wait up!" You yelled as you followed her.

You never expected Serena to run very fast. You guys ran, and ran, until she tripped and fell.

"Oh my Mew!" You yelled as you stopped. "Are you okay Serena?"

"Ow, y-yeah, I'm fine" She muttered rubbing her right knee.

That was a lie. You knelt down and examined her knee.

"Serena, you're knee is bleeding badly." You told her. "Hold on a second." You took out a box of Band-Aids and a wound cleaner.

"Okay Serena, this might sting a little." You warned as you placed some of the wound cleaner cream on top of the her knee. She closed her eyes tight, but then relaxed them after a while. You then placed the Band-Aid on her bad knee.

"Okay Serena, take my hand." You said as you helped her up.

Once she got up, she smiled at you.

"Thank you so much." She said with delight. She gave you a kiss on the cheek and then said "I knew you where planning on asking me out sooner or later, by the way."

You gulped. "You did?" You said with shock.

"You and Clement talk too loud." She laughed. You giggled too. "And yes, I will be your girlfriend."

You smiled. "Alright, Let's get back to camp." You said. You two held hands as you walked back to camp.


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