Silent Thoughts

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Rumples P.O.V

'shes so confused but curious, it's adorable...oh Lord just wait until she gets to the kitchen appliances or the tv, that's going to be a tough one to explain, that smile though it's still as gorgeous, she must be starving being stuck in that torturous dark cell.'

He was lost in his thoughts as he was organizing things until he suddenly noticed her picking up the cup which sent a shock of memories through his head growing protective over the cup. he asked he simply answered, then chuckled at her comment and watched the cup once more before he watched her put it back and looked down silently. Suddenly he noticed a hand on his arm softly then a soothing voice came "you're a really nice man Mr.Gold I'm sure whoever that cup belong to was grateful to know you"

He softly smiled nodding looking down at her in her eyes losing himself until she softly but hesitamtly pulled away smiling to him "and you're a real kind woman Belle, you really are"

'God this kills me, she's so kind and beautiful and that smile...wait a minute is she blushing a little?...damn it she turned away to quick I can't tell....I wish I could tell her without creeping her out....I love her, so much...ill just have to manage for a while until the curse breaks'

He grabbed his shop keys walking to the door "would you like to go see the house, so that you can adjust to the place?" He asked and when she replied "of course" he couldn't help but grin at her adorable voice as he opened the door holding it open for her. when she walks out he locked the door behind him and went to his Cadillac.

'focus...Focus! you imbecile your smiling like an idiot at her, she's going to think your a weird freak! Ughh why did I ever agree to this damn deal! Wait she's watching put on a straight face and walk now!'

He had a straight face helping her into the Cadillac before getting in himself starting the car and beginning to drive home. He answered explaining everything as she had so many questions, and all of them which he found very adorable.

When he pulled up the the house he got his house key ready opening the car door, enjoying her smile as she saw the house. He led her inside giving her a tour of the house explaining things and how to work them as she looked at everything in amazement.

He chuckled slightly to himself at her curiosity enjoying every bit of it. He didn't know how long he had to keep his feelings all in his thoughts but he would manage doing so, he showed her the guest bedrooms letting her pick one and wasn't suprisednwhen she picked the yellow one and he smiled nodding as he made sure she had everything she needed.

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