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Belles P.O.V

'I can't wait for this library! There's going to be a whole other world of stories and adventures! Maybe he will share with me some of his own when we get there' she thought quietly to herself in wonder and happiness

It wasn't until she took his arm something came back in her mind remembering him slowly the visions poured through her mind seeing the stories, the memories, the moments, the kiss they shared. It was all back in and instant from just a touch. She was about to say something when she heard him shout

Instantly concern had filled her head for the man she fell inlove with "Rumple, what's the matter?" She had asked caring less that she gave away that she remembered but when he shrugged it off acting like it was nothing she frowned only concerned more and looked at him on the bench she had pulled him to.

It was when he stopped she realized he had figured it out, she had her memory back. He looked at her like she was a lost memory and he looked like a lost puppy as tears began to fill the corners of his eyes. She smiled softly to him her hand cupping his cheek as he closed is eyes his hand placing on top of hers holding it hearing his accent as he spoke.

"Belle...." he said through a broken voice and she nodded her other hand brought up to cup the other side of his face "yes Rumple I'm here-" tears formed in her own eyes pressing her head to his "i love you Rumple, I always have" she said to him only to see him melt more into her touch feeling his hands move to cup her face back leaning forward hesitant at first but finally he kissed her his eyes closed.

She kissed him back the longing to be with him was finally gone, now they had each other. The fear was of telling him what happened she knew he would be angry but right now she just wanted to be with him. She felt his arms pull her close once he pulled back from the kiss holding her close to him and she buried into his chest gripping his suit jacket holding it as she held him back.

She listened to his breathing slow and his body relax as he calmed down and she smiled holding him looking back up to him only to hear him say "I'm sorry" she frowned confused "no, no you don't have to apologize Rumple. I'm fine I promise" she said assuring him through a gently tone as she had moved on hand to hold his cheek stroking it with her thumb looking into his eyes remembering every bit of him, wanting nothing more than to be with him.

She loved and adored him even though he had his moments and his problems she knew it was going to be tough but she believed they could get through it, she was determined to help him. She never wanted to leave his side again and she wanted to teach him and get him away from his bad habits and his hatred for people. She knew they had a long way to go but she wasn't going to mind the journey. She was going to help him as much as she could whether he believed she would or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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