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Rumples P.O.V

He listened to every detail she told him taking it all in. His beautiful Belle was here and safe with him...downfall was she doesn't even remember him. He was looking forward sadness lingering in his eyes when she asked was the matter, but he acted like it was nothing but continue on in front of her though he felt her eyes watching him frowning behind. He suffered so much depression when he lost her and didn't want to keep contact with anybody. Though to her where he was trying to be he had too.

'Bitch knew exactly what to do to keep me in this town and made sure I suffered. Thing is she knows she will suffer too. My sweet beautiful Belle I swear to you I will break this curse and we can be together. Regina will pay for what she's done she may be the Evil Queen. But I'm the product of Evil, and what she has coming is hell.''

He thought to himself until they were home and he walked in after she did locking the door behind him "ill cook some food, you can do what you need if you have anything to do while I cook" he said to her and she nodded going to straighten her hair in the bathroom. He walked over to the stove placing the vegetables into a pan cooking them slowly.

He kept the time but got lost in thought leaning on the counter beside the stove head in his hands stressed and unhappy. Archie had offered him free sessions if he needed to talk saying that anger, sadness, loneliness were a few symptoms of depression, though Archie didn't say he had it just offered to do free counseling. He thought about taking him up on that offered but didn't when he felt arms come around him in a hug.

He jumped 'who the hell?...' he thought and turned to find Belle. He grew shocked and looked to her speechless when she asked him once more "what's the matter?" He shook his head "just past thoughts floating about my head it's nothing" he said to her not hugging her back yet afraid she might run it took him a minute before he eased his hands down patting her back.

She soon let go and his expression changed to confused 'why did she do that? She doesn't even 'know' me.' He asked himself before asking her only to receive the answer "you looked upset and I didn't want to see you unhappy" from her. He nodded softly before looking to the stove awkwardly trying to find an escape and then saw it was finished managing to use the food as an excuse and take the food off the stove putting it onto the table which was set.

He noticed her watching him and realized he was depressed reality had hit him hard. He couldn't live without her, he noticed he couldn't help but suffer this loss greater than any other. It hit him harder to his core and he didn't know how to accept the fact that it would be a while before he got her back. He sighed and forced a smile looking to her "no need to worry I'm feeling a little sick that's all" he told her as an excuse

'God this agony....I wish this damn savior would hurry the hell up.  If only she was here....she still as perfect as before, same beautiful laugh, smile and caringness. Though being in that prison has made her fragile and new to so many things. I'll still protect her for a lifetime though'

He pulled out the chair for her to sit and watched her take a seat at the table. He then walked over to the chair across the table and sat down quietly with a soft smile beginning to eat as he watched her every once in a while. He noticed she enjoyed the tea though as he face lit up when she would drink some of it....that was it, he was fixing tea everyday now.

Default In Others Eyes, But Beauty In Our HeartsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon