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Belle's P.O.V

She smiled when he suggested that they go for a walk and he show her around. when he asked her about herself she got puzzled for a second and thought "Well, I do love books. I love to read its like living in a different word seeings through so many eyes of other people and you see the different opinions, from that you learn so many things and see the beauty of more things." she could go on and on about books. When she looked up at him as they were walking she saw him fully paying attention with a smidge of a smile.

"that's Grannys, though I don't get along to well with her she makes the best food in Storybrooke" she heard him say as he pointed to the place and her head turned to that direction curiously smiling at the small adorable diner. "it's cute" she giggled slightly smiling. she looked around finding a flower shop called 'Game of Thorns' and grew curious asking about it. she nodded as she listened to him explain it was a flower shop and he didn't get along with the owner of that place either. Soon she listened to him speaking about the mayor's office and how him and the mayor got along like freindly enemies.

she listened on and on about each place curious why he and alot of other people didn't get along but she didn't ask. she then heard him ask "what do you like to do besides read?" She thought for a moment her hands twiddling together as she tried to think "well if you can't already tell I do alot of thinking" she said and heard him say "a dangerous pastime indeed" and she couldn't help but giggle at the comment he made "I love to talk, I love to go horseback riding and hang out with friends." she continued then as they walked side by side smiling listening to one another.

after about an hour of walking she had noticed he had this look of a tired upset person, however she only noticed that through his eyes that gave it away he was forcing a smile and lost in thoughts though listening. she gently took his hand stopping in the middle of the sidewalk and asked "Whats the matter?" She asked him, she had a concerned look an a small smile to let him know she was there for him. though it vanished when he just shook his head and continued on walking.

She followed behind him watching him making sure nothing happened after all he done for her the least she could do was make sure he would be alright. eventually they arrived back at the house and she walked in thanking him for holding the door for her as she entered the house.

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