Chapter 18

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Jamie is beautiful. Her arms over her chest. It's just us. No boys to tell me what to do. Jimin not getting angry at me. She touches my stomach. "Okay we would like you to turn around." The guy says. I feel Jamie tense up."Umm." She says and slowly turns around. "Jungkook I would like got you to put your hand on her butt." The guys says Jamie looks down and I do what he says. Jamie closes her eyes and after the picture is taken I look at her. "It will be over soon." I whisper to her. I mean I didn't mind having my hand there for a bit. I don't know what we are. "Okay time to lay on the bed over here." The guy says. Jamie walks over and I do as well. "I want Jamie to cuddle him but, make sure you can still see him. Be almost on top of him." He says to Jamie. She lays down on me and then moves so they can see me. "I'm sorry if this is like very uncomfortable for you. Like this whole me with almost naked body." Jamie says as they take the picture. "No it's okay don't care." I say and then after this we have to go get changed.  "Alright so this one. Jamie is gonna be shirtless and then a pair of underwear from Pink so you are gonna hold her boobs and go behind her and your face on her neck okay?" They ask and hand me a shirt and some tight pants. I sigh and walk out. I see Jamie looking down covering herself. "I am sorry." She whimpers out. I hug her first. "Hey we will get through this okay?" I ask her and she nods. I slowly touch her boobs covering them with my hands. I put my face into her neck.  "Now Jamie I would like for you to make a very suductive face." The guy says. Jamie whimpers out again. She does what she is told and then the cameras click.

After a few more. "Time for the water." The guy says. They push Jamie off. This must be so tough for her. I change into a Puma clothing.  Then they lead me to the pool. It's not a full pool. Shallow end. They bring Jamie out. I mouth to her almost done. Her face with makeup on her. They tell her to get in. I am in already. The bathing suit showing half her boobs. The water warm not cold.  "Alright go over to Jungkook and do what you did with Jimin yesterday. They are all over the Internet so let's just do it the same way." The guy says her eyes widen and look at me. Her hands touch my neck. She is trying not to cry. I touch her face lightly.  The cameras click for whatever we do. My hands touch her waist as I she walks towards me. "This looks amazing." I say to her and she puts her arms around my neck. 

I slowly help her up so she doesn't fall into the water. My arms holding her up from her butt. Her arms around my neck. Her forehead on mine. They tell us to smile. We listen but we were already smiling. "Okay now kiss." The guy says. Jamie looks up at him. "I can't just kiss in front of cameras it's so wrong." Jamie says. "You have to. Take your time." He says and then Jamie looks at me. "Hey its okay. This is the last we have to do." I say to her. "Hey listen to me. Just think of nothing when you are kissing me if that helps." I say and she shakes her head. She then puts her lips on mine. I move my lips with her's. Her tongue touches my lips. Then she bites my lip a little cameras all over the place. Getting different angles but, I soon zone out and focus on kissing her. I slowly walk around the pool making it to the end and pushing her against it. I start to get the hang of kissing. The heat feeling nice. The taste of her lips a hint of cherry and soft. I put my tongue on the bottom of her lip and she opens her mouth. I then start to kiss harder with my mouth opening. She slowly puts her tongue in my mouth. The people yell done. But we don't stop. My hands slowly move around her butt. I set her up on the pool edge. Her hands touch my face gently. Then my hands move up and down her body. She breaks the kiss us breathing like crazy. Then people grab Jamie and then she looks at me. I stay in the water for a minute as they take her away to change.  "Good job Jungkook." The guy says and I hop out and walk with them to get changed. I felt something kissing her. I felt more than friends I felt good. It felt good. She felt good on my lips.  I change back into some clothes not caring they give me all the clothes and I walk out. They talk with my manager and I go and try to find Jamie. She walks out and she spots me. "Kookie." She says her hair a little damp. I run to her she does the same and hug her tight.  I take her face and kiss her. "I liked it. The kiss." Jamie says and then we get the good photos on our phone. Jamie doesn't bother to look. I don't either. "I did too." I say and then pick her up like I did in the pool. I slowly head out to meet the boys.  Jamie's head on my shoulder.  The boys look up. "Wow." They say and look at the phone. "I love it. Jamie is very hot." Yoongi says. I smile and nod. "Yes she is." I whisper to her and she kisses my neck with a peck.

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