Chapter 51

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The music starts and I look up and realize that it is Marry Me. Oh what a loser they have to do this. I laugh and the song starts. I except all the boys to sing. But....

"105 is the number that comes to my head when I think of all the years I want to be with you. Wake up ever morning in my bed." Kookie sings the boys do the back up and dance.

"Will you marry me. I swear that I will mean it when I say marry me." He sings and they dance. It's beautiful. I watch. The lyrics making me tear up when he does certain movements.

"Your the love of my life. You know one of these days when I get my money right. Buy you everything and show you the finer things in life." He sings and then he goes to the back of the stage. With the boys and Jhope does a flip. The boys laughing fooling around.

"Cause I have you girl I have you. I will get down on bending knees." He sings and slowly moves to off stage.

"Will you marry meeee." He sings and then I look to see if I can find him. He comes down the stairs.

"Will you marry meeee." He sings high. The boys doing the back up.  Slowly walking towards me. He makes it up to me. Looking at me. Touching my face. Singing to me. I smile and cry

105 is the number that comes to my head when I think of all the years I want to spend with you. Wake up every morning with you in my bed." The song slowly ends and then he slowly moves down and pulls something out of his pocket and he gets down on one knee and my hands make it to my mouth. "Noo." I cry out.

"Jamie Handt will you marry me? Make me the king of your life. Your husband and make it the best day of your life. The best day of my life already happened is when I met you and fell in love with you." He says making me cry. My heart beats fast. The boys at the edge of the stage. "Of course." I say and he stands up and puts the ring on my finger. He opens his arms and I jump into his arms. The tears falling down my face. The boys walk down the stairs. "I love you so much!"I say into his neck. His hands hold me tight. I drop down and I look at him. I go to kiss him. But I move the mic out of his way. I slam my lips into his. My hands on his hair holding him tight. The boys chant. I smile into the kiss tears still falling down my face. "Get a room!" Yoongi says. Jasmine comes up to me and hugs me tight. "You all knew?" I ask with the tears on my face still. "Yeah we planned with a while ago." Jasmine says and then hugs me tighter.  "You are getting married." Jin says and I look at Kookie. Jasmine stops the recording and I look down at my hand. "I am getting married." I say and wipe my eyes. I go over to Kookie again and hug him tight. With everything I have. His arms hold me with everything as well. "This is amazing." I whimper into his neck. I kiss it lightly.  "Thank you." I say and then break the hug. He wipes the falling tears and smiles at me. "You are the love of my life.  Without you I have nothing that's why I needed to ask you so I can be with you forever." He says. "You are the sweetest thing ever." I say to him. The boys hug me and congratulate me. I can't believe they kept this from me. "I am shocked Tae kept his mouth closed!"I say and he smiles. "Yeah if I didn't then they would have killed me. I mean killed me. No more Tae bias." He says and I laugh at them. "And you Jimin I am shocked you didn't tell me." I say and he shakes his head. "It almost came out when you two were not talking for some stupid ass reason." Jimin says and I smile. "Yeah it was stupid." I say. Remembering the fight. I thought it was it. Then he came in and hugged me tight. I sigh and look at him. He touches my cheek. That one was the scariest fight ever. I thought after those kids I would have to raise them by myself. Leave BTS.


"Jamie holy fuck!" Jungkook yells. "What Jeon! What the hell did I do honestly!"I yell at him making him laugh a little. "You never fucking help me with the kids! I sing I dance and have a career unlike you! And I have to do it alone!" He yells and turns around and hits the wall. "Are you fucking serious! I always help out with the fucking kids! Just because I don't have a job right now doesn't mean I don't have other things to do! I worked hard for that fucking diploma!" I yell at him and push him. "I can't believe you! I am done!" He yells and then shoves me back I stumble back hitting my back against the bed. I wince in pain. "What do you mean you are done!" I yell at him. Feeling no pain right now. "I am done with everything goodbye! You are a shitty mother with your stupid little depression!" He yells and slams the door. I hear the kids cry and I hear the boys trying to stop him. "What are you doing Jungkook it's a stupid fight!" Jimin yells. The kids stop.  "Yeah whatever she can go fuck herself!" He yells and I hear another door slam. I fall to the bed crying in pain. In heartbreak.  Everything. I hear a knock on my door. "Get away!" I yell at the door. I see Jimin come in. He sits on the end of the bed. "I said go." I whimper out the tears falling from my face. "Jamie. He didn't mean any of it. He is stressed. You have to remember this is his first relationship he doesn't know much about fights.  Nothing. He is just upset." Jimin says. "What am I just chop liver. I have been though so much and now I have to take care of these kids by myself.  He knows and he used everything against me. My depression!"I yell at him. He nods and comes closer to me. I hug him tight holding onto him while I scream into his chest.

For a while I lay in bed with nothing coming out of my mouth. Nothing said. Just me laying there numb. The kids don't worry about them the boys got them. I just play with my hands and pick at the skin on my arms.  Making some marks not bad ones though.  I hear a knock at the door. "Go away!" I say loud and they don't speak they don't move. "I said go...." I say and then see its Jeon Jungkook.  I just lay back down. "I thought you were done. I am so why come back." I say and then feel the tears come down my face. I hold the pillow. "I am a shitty mother after all right? My stupid little depression gets in the way." I say using his words against him. "Yeah about that." He says and comes in and sits on the edge of the bed. I don't move. He goes for my hand. "Don't touch me." I say and move my hand away from him. "Jamie really I am sorry. I didn't mean any of that. I don't know what I would do without you. I need you." He says and I turn the other way so he can't see my face. "Yeah whatever." I say feeling arms around me and a head near mine. "Get off me." I say and he holds me tighter. "Jamie really I am sorry. I need you in my life. Being with someone else is not what I want. I need you. I want you so bad." He says and then puts his leg over mine so I can't move. "Get off me." I say and then the tears fall down my face even faster than before. "I don't need you." I cry out. "I don't want you." I cry and then I can't speak anymore. I just feel numb. My chest rising and falling. I don't hear anything except my tears. "I don't." I start to say and he let's me up. I sit up and he sits in front of me.

"I...." I start to say. He stops me with his lips. The touch making me melt. The touch making my lips feel like water. He bites my lip. Then let's go.  "I love you beautiful." He says to me wiping the tears off my face.  "I love you too." I say and bring him to me. Hugging me tight.  The girls come in with Jimin. "Mamma, dadda." They both say and they have something in their hands a paper. "What's that?" Kookie asks. "Here." They say and hand one to me and then the other is handed to Kookie. I look it's a drawing from them and Jimins writing at the bottom. Love:Marley. I smile and lift her up.  "No cry." Marley says and touches my face. "Thank you beautiful." I say and kiss her nose. Kookie holds Violet on her lap. With that my beautiful girls and Mt beautiful boyfriend are happy again.

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