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01 || The Treehouse

"Ella, it's time to get up," Kaitlyn said, standing near the bed her best friend was sleeping in.

If there's one thing Kaitlyn had learned from all the sleepovers the two had, it was that Ella was nearly impossible to get out of bed, unless dragged, which is an occasion Kaitlyn was trying to pass by that morning. An extra thing Kaitlyn learned, is that Ella somehow looks just as beautiful as she usually does when she wakes up. Kaitlyn was convinced it was some type of magic that she wasn't fortunate enough to be blessed with.

"Stop!" Ella said, drawing out the word and making it a lot longer than it should have been. It was difficult for most to make out what the girl was saying, as her face was still shoved into her pillow, but Kaitlyn had learned, though it had taken awhile, to make out what Ella was saying since this is a regular occurrence.

Kaitlyn rolled her eyes, "If you don't get up now I won't go to the treehouse. And if I don't go you can't go, which means you can't see Gordie."

Kaitlyn had learned this was the way to get Ella up over the years. She was totally bluffing but Kaitlyn could be full of surprises so Ella always chooses to stay on the safe side and would get up, with little to no delay.

Ella laid still for a moment before she sat up with a heavy sigh escaping her mouth, "You know you're evil right?"

Kaitlyn laughed, "I'm getting there."

It was Ella's turn to roll her eyes as she stood up, shoving her best friend into the warm bed she was just cuddled up in.

Kaitlyn giggled, something she didn't do often, and sat up, "Relax little bird, you'll see your love soon."

Ella gave in and gave her best friend a smile as a slight blush rested on her cheeks, "Whatever."

Ella and Gordie were not dating, in fact, they were far from it. They may have admitted their feelings for each other to their best friends, Chris and Kaitlyn, but when it came to each other their mouths may have well been sewed shut. This only made Chris and Kaitlyn beyond irritated, and close to giving up on the idea of them ever dating. But they were still young and Chris and Kaitlyn had their fingers crossed that they would stop being wusses once they got older and would admit to the feelings that they had for each other. Not to mention the feelings have only grown over the past few years, intensifying the anticipation that Kaitlyn and Chris had for the situation.

Kaitlyn walked over to her closet, ready to get dressed knowing her mission was accomplished finally. She pulled out an old dark pair of torn up jeans and a black tee with long sleeves that she folds at the tips. This, for the most part, was Kaitlyn's style. She knew her parents would scold her on her choice of clothes like they always do, but she would be scolded even more so if she wore nice clothes and messed them up too, so it was pretty much a lose-lose.

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