Chapter 1

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Marinettes P.O.V

"Marinette, wake up!! You're going to be late for school!!" Tikki yelled at me. Then I shot up, fully awake. "I'm up!!" I screamed. Once I shot up, Tikki looked at me with wide eyes. "What's wrong, Tikki?" I asked. "U-u-m, t-ta-take a look for y-yourself..." Tikki said. 'Why's she acting wierd?' I said in my head. "Okay." I said since I wanna find out why Tikki's acting strange. Once I looked into the mirror, I found... "CAT EARS?!?!" I screamed. "Tikki, why do I have cat ears?!" I asked her. "I forgot to tell you Marinette, every Ladybug goes into an 8 month cat curse!" "WHAT?! 8 MONTHS?! I can't survive that long! What if people start suspecting something?! Adrien will never love me!!" I cried out. "Now Marinette, now's not the time to be freaking out. We still have to get to school!" "AH! I'm gonna be late!" I cried.


Third Person P.O.V

Marinette made it just in time for the warning bell to ring. Alya was waiting in their usual seat before asking Marinette what she was doing. "I told you Alya! I was up late designing!" Marinette told her friend. "Really girl? By the way, nice cat ears! They almost look like they're attached to your head!" Alya said. Completely oblivios to the fact that they were indeed attached to her head. Adrien on the other hand was staring at Marinette the whole time. "...drien...drien...ADRIEN!!" He looked around to find Alya standing in front of his seat. "Oh! Hey, what's up Alya?" Adrien asked. "You've been staring at Marinette for quite a while now..could you LOVE with her?" She asked. "W-what?! N-no! I mean yes? No! I don't know, ok?!" The boy said, frustrated. After their little talk, the bell started to ring, signalling all the students to go to their respective classrooms.


Adriens P.O.V

As the lunch bell rang, I went to Marinette. "Uh, hey, Mari?" "Y-y-yeah?" She replied blushing. "Um, can I eat lunch with you?" "Oh! S-sure!" She replied once again. Cute.

Marinettes P.O.V

It was lunch time and I saw Adrien make his way towards my seat! OH MY GOSH!!! Keep it together, Marinette. You don't wanna seem wierd. "Uh, hey, Mari?" Oh god, what do I say?! "Y-y-yeah?" Dang it! "Um, can I eat lunch with you?" AHHH!! THE Adrien Agreste just asked me to eat lunch with him! "Oh! S-sure!" I reply. All I need to do is make sure these cat ea- wait. I feel something. Like I'm sitting on it or something...I look down only to see... A CAT TAIL?! OMG I CAN'T GO OUT LIKE THIS!! WHAT WILL ADRIEN THINK?! "Um...on second thought, I really need to go. Sorry bye!" I speed off. "Tikki, I need to go home RIGHT NOW." I say to my little red kwami. "Ok, Marinette. Just don't say anything." "What do you mean by that-nya?" I stiffen. "Did I really just say that-nya?!" Ahh! There it goes again! I really do have a cat curse!

A/N: "Hey guys! A chapter published! I'm so sorry if it's short! I had to rush since it was time to eat lunch. So comment how the story should end.

1. Marichat
2. Adrinette
3. Ladynoir
4. Ladrien

Thanks for reading! Author-san out!!  PEACE!!!😀😁😃

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