Chapter 2

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Third Person P.O.V

After making her way back home, Marinette decided to just design some clothes. A few minutes later, Marinette heard a sudden tap on her balcony window. Turning to see who it was, she was shocked. There stood the pun loving Chat Noir. The last time he visited her home was the Evillustrator incident.

"Oh. Chat Noir, what brings you here?" She asked, but she should've known better than to ask that. "Can't a Prince check on his Purrincess?" And there it was. A pun. "Stop it Chat-nya!" After realizing what she said, it was already to late. He was already looking her up and down.

"Purrincess, such cute ears! A tail too!" "AHH!! Best day of my life!" Screamed the little black cat. "Look, I'm not in the mood to play around, Chat-nya." The raven haired cat girl said. The said boy just squealed in response to the cuteness.

"Wait here, purrincess. I'll be right back." Chat said. He then took off to find something. "Man, what a child-nya." Marinette said as she flopped down on her bed until she saw a bird. Once she saw it, she started chasing it, jumping up and down trying to catch it. After tiring herself out trying to cath the little bird, Chat finally came back. "Hey Purrince-" He stopped short, noticing that she was especially tired.

"Um, Purrincess?" He asked. "Huh? Oh, what do you want, Chat?" I asked. "Uh, I didn't mean that in a bad way! I just-" Chat had slipped on a little choker with a bell. "Awww!! You look so CUTE!!" Chat gushed. "What is this-nya?" Marinette asked while playing with the little bell.

Marinettes P.O.V

I started playing with the bell on the little choker Chat gave me. I have to admit, this is the best idea so far! "So, do you like it?" Chat asked blushing-WAIT WHAT?! He only blushes around Ladybug! Not Marinette!! "So Purrincess," "How did you get those cat ears?" Chat asked me.

AHH! HOW AM I GOING TO ANSWER THAT?! Do I just say "Oh, I was cursed to have these, yeah no biggie." Ahh!! But in patrol he might have the same suspicions! He might find out my identity! Ok, I just have to answer..


Cliffhanger!! Sorry guys! Anyway, thanks to all the people who like this book. I am new here (not really) but this alone makes me happy. Please remember to vote and comment! Author-san out!!  PEACE!!!😀😁😃

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