Nohm, Spider Monkeys, and Butt Dialing

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"We are in agreement then? Jae and Cee are the two newest members of Nohm," Ohm declared.

"Not Nohm, asshole!"

"Fresh Meat? I Stole Your Boyfriend? My Boyfriend's Better Than Yours? Dix? Your Boyfriend Says Hi?" Ohm rambled off.

"Why do most of those have the word boyfriend in them?" Jae spun a drumstick in his fingers and raised a single eyebrow. "You really think there's somebody out there that doesn't know we are fucking gay central? Why don't you just name the band Backdoor and get it over with?"

"Excuse me, can I still audition?"

Ohm and Noh turned to find a slender male, on the shorter side standing eagerly before them.

"What instrument do you play?" Noh asked. While they didn't need anyone else for the band, Noh didn't want to be rude

"Uh, instrument?" The boy bit his lip and wrung his hands together, "I was thinking I could just play you!" Noh let out a startled yelp as the "boy" threw himself on him, clinging to Noh like a spider monkey. Hell, when did boys start having breasts?!

"I can't even leave you alone for a second!"

Shit! Seriously?! Why of all times did he have to show up right now?

Phun growled glaring at Ohm who was laughing hysterically, "You better shut the fuck up or Noh's not going to be in your damn band. Jesus, Noh, you haven't even started playing yet and you've got your first groupie."

Said groupie ignored the growling bear in the room while she rubbed her cheek against her SOTUS House Hottie.  Clearly she did not worry about her safety!

That reminded her!

"Say cheese!" She wasn't missing out on a selfie opportunity, oh were the other girls going to be jealous!

Noh was trying to stay upright, not drop the squirming monkey, and do both while not touching any part of the tiny person! It wasn't easy!

Phun couldn't believe this boy! No wait, "he" was a freaking girl! No fucking way, she dressed in drag to get close to His man!

"You have 5 seconds to untangle yourself from my man before you make me do something ungentlemanly!" Phun warned, he really didn't want to hit a girl.

She shook her head clinging to Noh tighter.

"You seriously need to let go of me now. My boyfriend is a jealous, possessive bastard. I don't know what he'll do. LET GO NOW!" Noh warned.

With a pout the girl dropped herself off her idol and took a tiny step back, only to rear forward quickly and plant a kiss on Noh's cheek!

With a surprised cry she felt her world start to shift and let out an unladylike grunt when she landed hard over a sturdy shoulder.

"I was trying to be polite, but no you just had to push it," Phun grumbled carting her out the door.

Ali didn't mind, not only did she get up close and personal with her #1, she was riding shotgun on her #2!

"That was the boyfriend?" Cee asked no one in particular, "Noh's a lucky bastard!"

Phun came marching back into the common area, eyes focused solely on Noh. At seeing the expression on Phun's face Noh took a couple of steps back running into the coffee table. Not stopping, Phun only slowed down once he was in front of his wide-eyed boyfriend.

"Phun, it's not my fault! I didn't do anything..." Noh was cut off by demanding lips and a questing tongue. He wrapped his arms around Phun's neck and let himself be owned by his boyfriend's possessive self, ignoring that they had an audience.

By the time the kiss ended Phun had pushed Noh up onto the coffee table, hands gripping Noh's hips. "Your band name is Taken," Phun said voice husky, laced with desire.

"I'm not taken," Cee said, looking at Jae he asked, "Are you taken? I wouldn't mind being taken on many different surfaces by a certain moody brother I just ran into today, but right now I'm single."

"I may have someone I have my eye on," Jae shrugged noncommittally.

Ohm chuckled at seeing his friends stricken face, "Phun, how about we call the band Hell's Princes and Noh wears a shirt that announces his relationship status, Noh's Ass Belongs to Phun, Anyone That Touches will Pay!"

"I agree with Phun, Ohm! If the band name isn't Taken, then you better be prepared to wear your own shirt that says Property of Mick on it!"

Ohm looked around in shock at hearing his boyfriend's voice, "Mick! Where the hell are you bae?"

"Shit! I must have butt dialed him," Noh took his phone out of his back pocket and found a scowling Mick filling his screen, "Hey Mick! It's for you," Noh handed his phone over to Ohm.

Ohm's face lit up seeing his Mick on the screen, "Bae! I miss you! You are looking very sexy today, baby."

"Don't you try and flatter me, Thachakorn. Noh already text me about the music club guy. You will somehow announce you are taken every time you get on that stage!"

Ohm glared at Noh before looking fondly at his possessive little cutie. "I'll wear whatever you want, announce anything you want, I'm proud of the fact I'm all yours Mick."

"Gag me with a spoon," Noh groaned loudly.

"Ignore him. I can't wait to see you next week, Mick."

"Me too! All I can think about is getting my hands on you..."

"Whoa, you're on Facetime, bae!" Ohm exclaimed blushing slightly, "I love you, Mick. I've got to go now. I'll talk to you tonight."

"Love you too, Ohm. Bye Noh, Phun," Mick called out and disconnected the call.

Cee and Jae looked at each other and laughed, Cee saying what the both were thinking, "I think it's going to be pretty fun hanging out with these two!"



Yay! We now have a band!  And it's not called Nohm!   Awww, how flipping adorable is Mick?!  I can't wait until he comes to visit.  Ohm probably can't either, lol!  I don't think that is the last we have seen of Noh's spider monkey.  Once again my lovelies thank you so much for reading, commenting, and voting!  It really does warm this evil librarian's heart, my lovelies are all the best.  With the next update I'm excited to reveal something I have been working on, I hope everyone finds it as fun as I do!  Until then, happy reading and don't forget to make that cute little star shine.

Lots of Love,


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