Wet Tanks, Frozen Grapes, and You Love Me!

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"So, this Jae...Just what will he do to me if I flirt with you?"

Aim whipped around to see a slightly older woman with a mischievous smile standing a few steps out of his personal space. He didn't recognize her from campus. She must be a townie getting her car washed.

"Um...my Jae has crazy ninja moves, or so I've been told, but I'm sure he wouldn't use them on a girl," Aim assured.

Aim was taken aback when the girl let loose the most unique laughter he had ever heard. The girl was so tickled her shoulders were shaking... and was that a snort?

After catching her breath, she teased, "Damn, so he won't use them on me? Using my angel baby's term, I may be a little too fluffy for him to throw around."

What? Aim was starting to think this lady was certifiable.

"It's a waste of time flirting with me or him because, I may not have his moves, but he is all mine," Aim warned.

Again with that laughter. She was starting to piss him off.

"Talking to a cute boy is never a waste of time, my spicy gumdrop."

"Look miss, I'm sure your car is ready by now. I suggest you go."

"I can see why my cutie pie likes you. He would have told me to fuck off by now but you won't since I'm a lady. You hurt him and I hurt you. Got it?"

"Cutie pie? Just who the hell are you lady to call my guy that? Stop laughing!"

"You are so fucking cute. CUTIE PIE! I'm going to steal your boyfriend!" the woman shouted.

At hearing the shout, Jae, who had been bringing over more buckets of water, dropped what he had in his hands and ran to where he could see his sweet stuff was standing.


Aim did a double take as Jae wrapped his arms around the crazy lady in a bone crushing hug.

Jae saw the confused look on his boyfriend's face and he laughed. "Were you flirting with my boyfriend Noona?"

"Maybe...what are you going to do about it, kid?" Noona smirked.

Pushing his Noona away and taking a step back, he gave her that bratty grin. The one he reserved just for her. "I was going to give you a kiss and another hug but..."

Her lips twisted into a pouty frown as he wagged his finger no at her.

"Cutie pie!!!"

"I thought you only had a brother. I'm so confused right now," Aim babbled.

"Biologically yes but, much like with his brother, he didn't have a choice with me either. We are neighbors and I've known him since we were little. Since I'm an only child, he sorta got stuck with me."

"We are siblings of the heart, sweet stuff."

More laughter. Aim would admit it was infectious. "You do look like a sweet stuff. You can call me Ray."

"How long can you stay, Noona?"

"Long enough for me to show sweet stuff here some baby pics, old boyfriends, your prom date, and I'm not leaving until you feed me." Ray winked at an open mouth Aim. "I'm sure he's cooked for you already. His food is amazing, but..." Ray looked over at her little brother and stuck her tongue out. "I just hired this new kid at my cafe and I think his food might be better than yours. Also Taylor called him a cutie pie."

"Take it back! My niece better not be calling some stranger cutie pie. It's bad enough you let her follow that Slate guy around calling him her boyfriend. Don't walk away while I'm trying to argue with you, Noona! Where is my niece anyway?"

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