Jealousy for a Good Cause

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"That last song was I'm No Angel and as we say goodbye we promise we will be Wherever You Are," Noh announced as they started their last song of the night.

Phun, Mick, and Aim stood together off to the side, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.

"Do they have to look at my Ohm like he's the only guy here?" Mick grumbled. "I knew he should have wore that Property of Mick t-shirt."

"They do realize all four of them are gay, right?" Aim asked looking at his companions in wonder. "Don't they?"

Aim was genuinely baffled at the amount of girls surrounding the bandshell. For the last few songs everyone had stopped dancing and were just clustered together swaying to the music whether it had been a fast song or slow.  

Phun agreed with Mick. Should have forced Noh into that bulky sweatshirt. Noh looked absolutely gorgeous up there doing what he loved. It didn't help that the light blue t-shirt he wore was slightly damp with sweat and starting to cling to the contours of his body. Phun's palms were itching to touch him. Phun wasn't going to survive a semester of band gigs if it was going to be like this.

The girls commentary reaching their ears wasn't helping.

"This song is so beautiful! I can't believe that they sang in so many different languages tonight. What is this, Japanese?" a girl squealed.

"Mmmm, that keyboardist is sexy. Did you hear him sing in Spanish? Gave me goosebumps."

"I call dibs on the drummer. Did you see his ass in those jeans? Yum!"

"How about that one playing the guitar? I want a private show."

"That singer could sing to me in the shower."

All the girls laughed and continued discussing the finer points of each Hell's Prince.

"Why is Mick snarling?" Per asked as they came to stand next to the three clearly irritated boyfriends.

Before anyone could answer the song had come to an end and Jenny was back up to the mike calling everyone's attention to her.

"Wow! Everyone give it up for Hell's Princes! They were fantastic. Before you boys go running off I need your help with a raffle. Throughout the party tonight we have been selling tickets, half the proceeds go to the local women's shelter, so it was for a really good cause. I want to thank everyone for buying. You guys rock, we totally sold out!" Jenny handed a Ohm, Noh, Jae, and Cee all a coffee can.

"Please choose a ticket."

Ohm, Noh, Jae, and Cee all looked at each other and shrugged. Dipping a hand into their respective can they pulled out a ticket and held them out for Jenny to take.

"As I call your name please make your way up here. Blue ticket winner (Ohm's can) is Sally, Green ticket winner (Noh's can) is Oscar, Red ticket winner (Jae's can) is Lily, and last but not least Yellow ticket winner (Cee's can) is Spectral!"

Jenny turned to the guys and gave them a smile. "This is just going to take a minute. Their prize for buying tickets is getting their picture taken with their favorite band member and then we will take a group photo."

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