Dawn, Java, and Other Crap

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"Why did we think an early morning class on Monday was a good idea?" Aim whined to Wad as they sat with Tew and Oak at the campus Starbucks at the ungodly hour of 6:30 am.

"We didn't, this was the only time slot open because someone dragged their ass registering for classes," Wad replied dryly.

"Ah, my bad," Aim sighed laying his head on the table tiredly.

A dull cheer rose over the table as Kong approached with their various drinks.

"This is why we love him," Oak exclaimed taking a tentative sip of his hot beverage.

"Free caffeine," Kong quipped with a raised brow.

"Free caffeine," all four of his friends shouted at once.  Kong shushed them but at that time of the morning only his crazy friends were in the place.

"Hey isn't that your slave, Aim?"

Aim's head shot up from off the table, heart beating a little faster, and his eyes rapidly looked back and forth not seeing his personal boy toy, uh Jae.  Shit!  What is wrong with you, Aim?!

"Look at how fast his head shot up," Oak teased. "I was fucking with you.  See, you like that kid."

"What?  I don't even know him," Aim muttered.  He just couldn't stop thinking about certain parts of him.  And that laugh.  Oh hell.

"Those crazy sorority fan girls are even talking about you and him on their site.  Wondering if it's Love, Lust, or Just Friends," Oak said with a laugh.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Yeah, fangirls?" Kong asked taking a seat next to Tew.  They were pretty dead right now and Cee could handle a little traffic on his own.

"Tew, pull up this site sotushh.weebly.com on your computer."

Tew let out a gasp when the first thing his eyes zoomed in on was his Knott half naked!  How in the hell did these girls get a picture of his boyfriend shirtless?  Who the hell did they think they were to post it for the whole campus and God knows who else to see?!

"I'm going to kill her!" Tew muttered as his fingers flew over the keys of his keyboard.  This was Kim's doing, he knew it.  He recognized her work and he knew she was one of those minions.

"What are you doing?  Let us see," Oak turned the computer so that everyone else could see what had shocked him.

"Holy hell, is that Knott!  Dude is fit!"

"Stop looking!  Give me that computer," Tew angrily grabbed the computer back and with a few strokes had the site shut down

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"Stop looking!  Give me that computer," Tew angrily grabbed the computer back and with a few strokes had the site shut down.

"Tew, what's the big deal.  It's not like we haven't seen Knott shirtless before with living in the house," Oak said.

Tew let out a growl and Aim, Kong, and Wad all hit Oak on the head.

"Sometimes you are so dense, Oak.  Congrats, man," Wad said.

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