Special Chapter: Daniel Who?

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Bright rolled over in bed immediately regretting the move. The contents in his stomach from last night, mainly booze, sloshed in an uneasy rhythm making him feel queasy. He swore that little shit was in his head using his brain as a cymbal. Even with the unpleastries of this sucky hangover Bright smiled at the memory of what an epic party it had been. What had him most excited was the fact he was waking up with his adorable face this morning since they ended up in Daniel's room and his roommates and been MIA.

"Morning Harry!"


"Adorable face..."

"Who the fuck are you calling adorable?"

Bright's semi awake state became wide awake within 2.5 seconds and he let out a very unmanly scream. "AGGGHHHH!!!" Falling off the narrow bed he landed on his ass and hoped like hell the pain woke him the fuck up.

"You okay, snookums?" Quinn smirked from above safely perched on the side of the bed.

"That's not funny," Bright awkwardly got up off the floor once again letting out a scream as an arm snaked around his waist reeling him into a firm chest.

"Am I known for making jokes?" Quinn asked his lips way too close to Brights for his liking. Bright pushed against Quinn's chest seeking much needed personal space.

"What the hell are you doing Quinn?" Bright asked in a panic.

"Trying to kiss my boyfriend. I guess you aren't in the mood."

Bright's jaw dropped at the mad scientists confession.

"Are you fucking high? Have you been watching Breaking Bad again and tried making your own meth? You know you aren't supposed to sample your own product. You are dating Cee. I have my adorable face. Besides you would rather drop me in a vat of acid then ever kiss me," Bright yelled.

Quinn shook his head, "Nuh uh! I love my little wittle brighty bear."

Bright gagged, "I think I threw up a little." He was going to be sick. Pushing Quinn away completely Bright ran for the bathrooms. Just making it he emptied his stomach. Staying leaned over the toilet he waited until he thought he was in the clear. Stopping at the sink he rinsed his mouth and splashed water on his face.

"Hey Bright. Are you feeling okay?" Kong asked going about brushing his teeth.

"Just a little hungover. Have you seen my adorable face?"


"Daniel...my boyfriend."

"I don't know any Daniel, Bright. You must be really hungover because your boyfriend is Quinn."

Bright ran a shaky hand through his hair and stared at Kong in disbelief. Bright could tell that Kong believed what he was saying was true. He had never known Kong to lie.

"Have I woken up in the twilight zone?" Bright muttered stumbling away from Kong. Every person he came across he asked the same question. "Have you seen Daniel?" He received the same answer.

"Who is Daniel?"

"What is wrong with all of you guys?! Daniel is a pledge. He lives in the house. He wears glasses, has dark brown hair, brown eyes, is adorable, and is my Harry. Now get your heads out of your asses and tell me where he is!" Bright fumed.

"Seriously Bright I think you drank too much last night," Jae observed with a smirk. "There really isn't any Daniel here. You might be thinking of Gun. He's with Arthit right now. Kids in trouble. Might want to wait..."

Bright was already headed downstairs to Arthit's room. As he skidded to a halt in the doorway he couldn't contain the growl that bubbled up out of his throat. He was going to kill him!

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