Chapter 07

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Walking through the castle's main entrance, Mykal hoped none of the guards recognized him. His children, on the other hand, didn't have a care as they frolicked at Princess Johanna's sides. "Ooh"s and "ahhh"s escaped their lips as they looked at pictures of past Kings and Queens, which hung on the walls.

The princess explained who they all were, the year each of them began to rule Lenanthia, and for how long. She also made note of the heroic acts they performed, which made them the solid rulers they were.

When it came to the last portrait, which was a painting of the current ruler, the princess stopped and scowled at the face of the individual. It was a painting of her father, King Urdan Gaines. He was a great king but was terrible at fulfilling his paternal duties. He wanted her to marry, for she was soon to take over the kingdom. He was arranging the entire thing, and she had no say at all, and for that she resented him.

After a few moments, the princess snapped herself back to reality and continued to lead them to where they'd be staying.

When they arrived at the room, Mykal's jaw almost fell to the floor. Back in Damancia, the castle's employees would usually have small rooms with little beds, and not enough space to store their garments.

The room Princess Johanna had in mind, however, was nothing in relation. It had more than enough space, with a large bed completely made up with white sheets and pillows, and a canopy over it. It was also near one of the six windows in the room, and on each windowsill sat plant pots with a different variety of plants and flowers, from cacti and ferns to hydrangeas and carnations, and much, much more.

Confectioneries were already set out on a table, which was in the corner of the room by another window.

Mykal asked the princess if they were in the right room, and she grinned at him while nodding. He told her that he couldn't possibly accept such an elegant room, for he was but a stranger. However, she told him that he was now a servant of the Grand Palace, explaining that that was more of a reason to give him the room, especially since he was accompanied by children. After that, he protested no longer and agreed to take it. The princess also told him that, at the palace, they don't think less of the servants, hence the reason why they're staying in such a fine room.

She then left Mykal and his children to settle in and get a good night's sleep, and for him to be prepared to start working the next day.

But one thing was for sure, Mykal didn't even know exactly what his new job was. He accepted the princess' offer, no questions asked. But it was in his children's best interest that he did, and he didn't regret it. In the morning he'd dwell on what was his job. He and his children needed the rest and relaxation.


Yay! Let's get settled into our new home, now, shall we?

Until next time...


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