Chapter 14

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In the Past...

"Come on!" Mykal exclaimed as he ran through the dark forest with his friend. "It's just over that ridge." He pointed north.

"Okay," Sylvester said, trying to keep up with the faster runner. He was panting for breath and clutching his abdomen due to stitches. "Can you slow down? Not everyone's that fast!"

Mykal stopped at the edge of a cliff. The view beyond him was breathtaking. A large valley was down below, most of which was taken up by a large body of water - Drac Lake. Blue skies with a few fluffy clouds caused the scenery to be even more astounding, and the shimmering glow from some of the wet leaves of pine trees, caused by the sun, made it all appear like a painting.

Mykal sighed and smiled. "This is what I wanted to show you," he gestured to the valley and it's lake.

Sylvester appeared next to him, resting one hand on the tree before turning to brace it, and then slid down to the forest floor. He heaved as he glared at his best friend.

"This is what you brought me all the way out here to see?" he asked.

"Isn't it beautiful?" He continued to look at it, a glimmer in his eyes as he smiled brightly.

Sylvester finally stood again and scanned the valley. A flock of yellow and bluebirds were flying above the lake, and a few fish were splashing about in it. Perhaps it was indeed a beautiful sight to behold.

"Mm, it's something," he said, shrugging.

"If you're gonna compliment the view, you can surely do better than that."

"Would you prefer: 'Oh, Mykal!' he started in a high-pitched voice, 'It's so phenomenal! I wish we could come here every day and soak in the blazing sun, while our bodies burn to crisps'."

Mykal and Sylvester shared a hearty laugh.

"You're stupid, you know that?" Mykal said, and Sylvester just shrugged.

A glint of light caught his attention and he shielded his eyes from the setting sun, peering at whatever was trying to blind him from a distance.

"Do you see that?" he pointed in the direction.

Mykal turned to see what he was talking about, shielding his eyes just like Sylvester. "I can't make out what it is."

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