Chapter 13

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Mykal and Sylvester exchanged looks as the terrifying beasts flew around the castle, breathing fire and roaring loudly. Flashes of the past bombarded them as they remembered the night they stumbled upon the Dracorans in their teens.

But now was not the time to be reminiscent of the past. It was time to protect the kingdom. The two elves ran towards the exit with all the guards. Johanna ran behind them, but Mykal stopped, turning around to face her. He held her shoulders and told her to stay with his mother. The queen appeared next to her, and Mykal asked her to take Johanna to safety. Johanna shook her head, saying that she'll be fine, but he insisted that she finds somewhere safe to hide, along with Sonia and Mykal, who remained in the chambers. They weren't so interested in the fancy event.

Queen Meisha took Johanna by the hand and led her back across the room. She pulled on a lantern and a secret passage opened in the wall. Mykal watched as she and his beloved walked into the secret passage, and then he turned away to follow Sylvester out of the Great Hall.

When they were outside, the sight before them was horrific. Buildings were on fire and elves, fairies, and other mythical creatures were running around, screaming for their lives. Some of them were scrambled up by the deadly monsters and eaten with no mercy, and blood of all different colours spilt onto the streets of the kingdom, and body parts were strewn about, some of them charred from the firey breaths of the Dracorans.

Mykal and Sylvester stood amongst the guards, who all had swords at hand. Sylvester drew his sword and he looked ready to slaughter. King Lambora finally appeared next to them and handed his son a sword. They all scanned the sky, watching as the Dracorans flapped their wings in midair. There was a moment of silence, the build-up of suspense, aside from the wild screams of a few Damancians.

Some of the Dracorans had landed and screeched at the sword-wielding soldiers, and Mykal told everyone to remain calm and do nothing. If they didn't attack, maybe the beasts wouldn't. So everyone remained silent and stared at the horrendous monsters, which growled lowly while walking in circles around them. For a moment things were going according to plan, but then a large rock was catapulted by a rogue soldier, standing atop one of the castle's towers. The rock slammed into the face of a green Dracoran, squishing it against the wall of a nearby building. The beast stumbled and fell to the ground, causing the entire kingdom to shake. The bated growls turned the monstrous roars that caused the ground to rumble, and Dracorans started towards the Damancian army. The General yelled for them all to charge as well, and they did, shouting and screaming, swords first.

Swords clashed against scaly skin; large feet stomped on some soldiers; loud roars rocked the nations, and ear-piercing screams resonated throughout the Castle grounds. It was a complete bloodbath.

Mykal, Sylvester and King Lambora stood next to each other, their swords out, as two of the huge dragons flew towards them. They ducked for cover when they came down too low and breathed fire. An idea sparked in Mykal's head, and he shared it with his father and friend. They agreed that it was a stupendous idea and began to put the plan into action.

When the two Dracorans flew low enough again, they ducked like before and held up their swords as the beasts breathed fire - their weapons became red hot.

Mykal waited for the right moment. The beasts were circling the purple sky above them again, and when one of them dove in their direction, he broke away from his father and Sylvester and charged towards it. He screamed ferociously as the Dracoran roared at him. They were feet apart, and it almost looked like Mykal would be scooped up and eaten. But he executed his plan - he dropped flat on his back, and when the monster passed above, he stuck up his sword. It delved deep into the monster's underside, a large line running from the front of its body to the back. Yellow semi-liquid oozed out of the monstrous being and onto Mykal as it passed, and then it landed with a heavy thud on the ground. It made a loud groan, crying out in pain before it died.

Mykal rose to the ground, rubbing off the gooey blood that clung to his body, as Sylvester and King Lambora ran towards him. Their eyes were wide with the way he slaughtered the monster, but there wasn't any time to celebrate - there were more monsters to be killed. Sylvester and the king, whose swords were already heated, ran towards some other incoming Dracorans and slashed at them, cutting, deeply, into their scaly skin. Sylvester beheaded a few, while King Lambora just slit their throats.

Some of the remaining soldiers from the army did the same, while others helped usher a few villagers to safety, but the Dracorans snatched some of them up and munched on them; green, yellow and blue blood slid down the side of the beasts' mouths.

King Lambora made his way on top of one of the vile creatures. It spun around wildly, as though it were a bull until he stabbed his sword into its head. The beast slumped and its head slammed into the ground, and the king did a flick forward and landed on his feet, sword at hand. His face was dead-serious. Those around applauded his victory, before resuming their battle with the few remaining creatures - there were three of them. Mykal admired the way his father vanquished the deadly creature, but what he didn't see was the one flying towards him from behind.

Sylvester barely felt the draft and turned around in time to see the approaching Dracoran, and shouted to Mykal. He pushed him out of the way as the creature dove and swept him up off the ground. The beast bit off Sylvester's head and swallowed it whole. Green blood spewed from the headless body as the monster tossed it towards another Dracoran, which chewed on his body before swallowing it.

Mykal had dread written all over his face. A burning fire blazed deep within him as he watched his friend get eaten with no mercy. Mykal let the rage control him. His emotions were all over the place, which made him run towards the beasts without giving it a second thought. He slashed at one of them, cutting deep into the side of its belly. It thrashed, its tails swinging around and knocking a few soldiers to the ground, and flapped its wings, the draft blowing a few of them away.

But the Prince stood firm against the wind until a Dracoran knocked him down. He pitched to a corner, slamming into a half-built brick wall; his sword clanged against the ground beside him. He grunted as he picked himself up and took the hilt of his sword. His father appeared by his side, concern filling his expression. They exchanged a look as the three Dracorans neared them. They had nowhere to run. When the dragons were almost in front of them, King Lambora stepped in front of his son, to protect him.

He held out his sword as a threat to the beasts, but only got taken up by one to be devoured. Mykal watched in horror as his father was made a meal and his blood was shed relentlessly. When his father disappeared down one of the Dracoran's mouth, his emotions spiralled out of control.

The blood in his elf body boiled. His complexion changed from that of gray to purple; green eyes turned to a dark, glowing yellow; black, sharp nails grew out of his hands; a pair of wings tore out of his back, causing him to scream; and a tail sprouted from behind him. Mykal also grew in size, tearing out of his clothes. His soft elf skin formed goosebumps, which eventually turned into scales.

He became the exact replica of the dragons - the Dracoran Curse.


Hope you enjoyed this action-packed chapter. 😊
Tap that ★ if you think Mykal and his dad were badasses!
Myka's transformation, though...
Some next-level shizz!

Until next week...


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